UPDATE: Scroll to the bottom of this post to see the white lace dress I am wearing in the Bachelorette Reunion special that airs tonight on ABC!!!!
It’s that time of year! Wedding season! I’m sure a lot of you are looking at your calendars and realizing you have multiple spring/summer weddings to go to and have no idea what you wanna wear. Well, I thought today would be a good opportunity to share some of my favorite dresses that you can wear to a spring/summer wedding! And really, these dresses are beautiful to wear to any spring/summer event. Not just weddings! Every dress is from Nordstrom. So if you can’t pick just one Nordstrom has a GREAT return policy. You can order a couple to try on and return whatever you don’t wear! And if your event is ASAP, you can order online and pick up in store. They will have the dress waiting for you! So let’s talk about them.

I absolutely adore this first dress! I love everything about it from the full skirt, to the fittest bodice, to the adorable spring print! I love it so much that I actually wore it when we went to this gorgeous field of flowers with the intention that it would be one of the looks/photos I use when we re-launch my website in May. I’ve mentioned this briefly on my Instagram stories but I’m working on a big website redesign! I’m taking this blog from a blog that a girl started in her 20s, to a full-fledged sophisticated website for the modern woman! I’m so excited for you guys to see it! Anyway, point being that I love this dress so much that I chose to wear as one of the outfits when we were shooting content for my new website redesign.


This next dress I’ve had for well over a year. And I’ve worn it to multiple events. I wore it to a wedding, to an event I hosted, and I wore it out to a girls brunch. What I love about it is that it’s casual enough that you could wear to a casual event. But it has enough detail and structure that you could wear it to a fancier event. When I look at it I almost can’t tell if it’s a casual dress or a fancy dress. Ha! It’s a Chamaeleon! I just love it and it’s super flattering! In these photos, I think I was two months postpartum and I feel like I look skinnier in them than I do now. It’s the dress! It’s so flattering! If your body conscious then out of all these dresses I have to say I think this one is the most flattering. However, your arms are completely exposed. But the neckline makes up for it because it really slims everything out.

This next dress is actually a dress that I wore to a very special bridal shower recently! Rachel Lindsay’s bridal shower! That’s right, one of our recent Bachelorette and my girl Rachel Lindsay is going to walk down the aisle soon! And she had the most adorable bridal shower that I had the privilege of attending! I love this dress because it’s super flattering, and it covers your arms! And guess what?!?! It comes in plus size too! Crap, you know, I just said that last dress was the most flattering of all of these. I might have to take that back it say that this one is! Just because it’s super flattering all around and it covers your arms. My sister immediately texted me after she saw me wearing this dress and asked me where I got it because she loved it so much too! I ended up sending her mine as a gift because I already wore it to two events and figured it was time to pass it on to somebody else who would love it as much as I do.
This pink dress is also an extremely flattering dress and it also comes in plus size. Yay! I had to take down the front because it didn’t quite fit around my boobs the way I wanted it to. But I think that’s just how it fit on my body. It might fit somebody else’s body perfectly. Who knows! But I just think the pink color is very girly and feminine. The first time I wore this when I was on Home &Family, the TV show I work on – so many of you wanted to know where it was from. So I shared it with you guys and thought wow, this would be a great wedding guest dress. So that’s why am sharing it today!

And last but not least of the wedding guests, is this yellow dress! I love the color. It’s perfect for Spring. Those of you who have been following me since my Bachelor days know that I love the color yellow! I love that it a fitted dress from the waist to the mid thigh, but it is still flattering for my lower belly and hips. (You guys probably notice that 90% of the dress I wear are a-line to hide my hips) That’s because the ruching down the side/front. The ruching is great for camouflaging any extra love you may have around your belly area. You guys know I’ve been super open about my extra squishy belly and even though I love my body, sometimes I like to hide things too. And the dress does that beautifully for me. Sorry I don’t have the best photos of it! But I’m wearing it today on Home & Family and wanted to snap a quick pic because I thought it be fun to include it in this post. I also really like how the fabric is draped over my shoulders. Like I’ve mentioned before I do love a dress that can cover my arms sometimes.

This yellow dress is an all around flattering form fitting dress, and I know I say that a lot, but that’s because it’s what I look for for my own body! I’m not a size 2 or size 4 . Don’t get me wrong, I follow a lot of tiny bloggers who are just darling and I love everything they do! But when I buy things that they are wearing that look super cute on them I look ridiculous in them! I’m 5’7 and about 150 pounds right now. And all of these dresses I feel like make me look like I am 20 pounds lighter. So when I say flattering, the reason I love wearing dresses is because they’re, well, flattering! I feel like I look like I’m 130 pounds. Ha! Not that I want to be 130 pounds. I’m happy and healthy and content with who I am and how I look. But I think we all want to look great and feel our bests, right? So these are just a few of my favorites. And I’m also going to link my go-to sunless tanner here just because looking at my legs right now (and in this picture) I’m realizing that I need to put some on when I get home. Ha!
I couldn’t do this post without offering a dress option for the brides out there! I recently received a few comments asking me to show a few affordable, non-bridal wedding gowns! This might not be what you would wear to walk down the aisle, or maybe it would! But I just think this dress makes the perfect bridal shower or engagement party dress! Really any function that you have for your wedding! And you’ll actually be seeing me wearing it on TV very soon! I wore this dress when I got together with all of the past Bachelorettes recently to film a special that’s airing on ABC on May 6! I hope you guys tune in. I think it’s gonna be a really fun show. Also, if you pick up a copy of People Magazine this week you’ll see me in this dress as well 🙂 I think it will sell out when the show airs, so snag it now if you love it as much as I do!

It was so cool to see all the girls together and we had the absolute best time! I chose to wear this dress to that gathering because honestly I just felt good in it. I knew I was going to be standing next to a bunch of beautiful women, many still in their 20s, and I was worried I was going to feel a little bit self-conscious. I’m not trying to say there’s anything wrong with my shape because they’re absolutely isn’t! I’m proud of my body and everything is done for me. But to be honest, I am the biggest Bachelorette size wise. Just damn. That’s a fact. Ha! And I’m pretty proud of that fact actually! Regardless, when I put on this dress I thought it was super flattering and I felt like 1 million bucks on it!

It was important to me to share that with you guys because I hope any bride to get it feel the exact same way when she puts it on. And how gorgeous is the least detail on the sleeves and on the neckline? It’s just the most stunning dress! And if you’re not a bride, get it and wear it to a non-wedding event like I did!
And since this post is all about dresses, I just wanna share the link for this dress under $50 that I JUST got in the mail. Oh Em Geeeee! I think it is so darling. I will be posting pics on insta story this week. So keep an eye out. But wanted to post link now in case it sells out before I show it to you guys!
Anyways, I just want to share these looks with you guys! If you’re searching for the perfect dress for an upcoming event I’ve got you covered! Let me know what you guys think in the comments below. And since I’m a romantic and my wedding was a few years ago, I’d love to hear any blushing bride’s stories out there about their upcoming wedding! Or stories about weddings/events you are excited to go to! Let’s share in the comments below
And thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!
Hi Ali
That was so kind of you to gift the dress your sister liked to her. 💕
I often do the same with my sister.
I can’t wait to watch the Bachelorette reunion show &
Looking forward to seeing your new website too!
(Congratulations to Rachel!)
People often ask me if I have a closet PACKED full of clothes. and the truth is, it’s not! I donate a lot to charity and I send stuff to my friends and family! I like to share the love.
All of these dresses are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Thanks for reading my blog today Amanda!
Ali there is no way you are the biggest bachelorette! You are such a skinny mini And so beautiful ! Always have been one of my favs !!!! All the previous bachelorettes are tiny !
I promise you I am. Many of the others girls are very petite!
Ali, you look darling in every dress! My favorite 2 dresses and favorites on you are the 1st and the last dress!❤️
Thank you for sharing! I think the white one might be mine! Or the blue floral one that I wore to Rachel’s shower. Sooooooo flattering.
All of these dresses are stunning. Can’t wait to watch The Bachelorette special on May 6th.
Thank you Jasmine!
How tall are you Ali? You look much taller than the other bachelorettes. Or is it just your cute heels? Love following your stories. Cute dresses!
I am taller than most of them. They are petite pretty little thangs 😉 I am 5’7″
OMG, I’m planning to purchase a new summery dress (or 2) for a few showers I have coming up. Each dress I saw, I thought “oh, that’s the one”, until I scrolled to the next one, and thought the same thing! Looks like I may be purchasing more than just 2….
Thanks for the post!!
The GREAT thing about Nordstrom is you can get them all and EASILY return what everything but the 2 you choose to wear!
It’s encouraging to hear you are comfortable with your body and your weight. Of course, the number and the size don’t really matter, but it’s hard not to compare! We weigh the same and I feel like I’m the weight I’m meant to be. I always felt a bit under weight growing up.
Any way, you look gorgeous, I can’t wait to see all the bachelorettes together!
Aren’t there a few girls missing from that gathering? Jen, Meredith?
Yes. But I don’t think they like to be part of this stuff. I don’t know for sure but I’ve never met them because they never come to Bachelor stuff
Reality Steve spoke to Meredith and she said she wasn’t invited. So upsetting :-(. They are maybe upset that she shared that she was sexually assaulted while on the show? She has had such a difficult life. This could have been a positive experience for her to get to know a supportive group of kind women. Such a shame. I strongly encourage you to listen to Steve’s podcast with Meredith.
Oh Ali I ABSOLUTELY love your style! Every single thing you put on I WANT! Your dress you’ve worn to work today needs to get in my closet – like STAT! You look so pretty!
Thank you so much! I try to show dresses that are flattering for most!
Thank you so much for the reply! Seriously love your style!
All of these dresses are gorgeous! I love anything floral! And that white lace dress! Love it! Feel like it’s such a summery vacation dress! Wish it was a little cheaper but it’s absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to see the new site!
All of these dresses are stunning! I love the white! Would love to see spring/summer affordable $100 or under dress options. I have so many events I just can’t afford $180 dresses. I love them though!
I COMPLETELY understand! I will do an Affordable Friday version of this! Promise!
Nordstrom Rack has very similar dresses and are much more affordable.
I’ve been following your blog for a few years now and I just want to share how much I enjoy it – your honesty is refreshing, you have great style and I love reading about your parenthood journey as I recently became a mom. You inspire me to be more accepting of my own postpartum body and make me realize even beautiful women like you sometimes have insecurities.
You have such a great style and I love that these dresses are for so many body types. Thank you for such a refreshingly honest blog. It’s nice to read it and not feel inadequate after. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out. You should be proud of what you have built and I’m looking forward to what is to come!
Thanks for sharing these! I’d love to go to a party in the first 2 (if I ever get to one again with these tiny kiddos at home 😜) and wear the 3rd to work.
Hey Ali! Is the navy blue dress nursing friendly? (Or for that matter are any of them?) Trying to find a cute nursing-friendly Easter dress. 🤗 Thanks!!
The avy blue one is for sure since the material stretches! It’s perfect for nursing!
You’re gorgeous, Ali! And a total inspiration. Love the picture of all the past Bachelorettes! It’s weird that I feel like I know almost all of you and have never even met any of you. I just love your style. I knew you were going to be a favorite when you rocked converse on your Bach season! Keep being awesome and real!
I love the white dress the most, but they all look stunning, Ali! Kinda makes me wish I get to attend a wedding just to be able to wear them, haha! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
You have always been one of my favorites. I want to encourage you to keep up talking about your positive body image! As a mom of 6, two girls, I try very hard not to look down on myself, especially around them. I want them to know they are beautiful just as they are, and it isn’t about the size, it’s about health! Molly will remember how positive her mommy about her body when she gets to her teen years. Thank you for your joy and positivity!
Dana your comment seriously makes me tear up! I can only hope I instill this message in her!!! xoxo
Thank you for sharing plus sized links!!! Also, surprised you didn’t select a dress in your iconic yellow for the show special. Not that I don’t love that white on you…
That’s what I love about this brand I’m wearing is most of these dresses. Many of their dresses come in plus size too!
Thanks for being so body positive and such an inspiration! I can’t wait to see what options you have for affordable Friday!
Every BODY is beautiful!
Are you able to wear a strapless bra with the blue striped maxi dress, or is the cutout too low?
Just in case anyone else is wondering, it totally works with a strapless bra 😉
Hi Ali,
I’m Katie @katiejenae. I’m about to have baby #2 anywhere between now and 5 weeks from now. I’m technically not expecting baby boy until May 25th but They might induce me early because this one is high risk with a heart condition. This would be absolutely perfect since my daughter is barely 20 months old. I would LOVE love LOVE any of the above in either a blue, or gray color. But black works too! This would probably be the best gift EVER. for my two lovely little ones! 💙💜
Hi Ali!
How does the button front striped dress run? Reviews said it ran small in the bust? I love it!
I love the pink dress! You look gorgeous in all of them 🙂
Can’t go wrong with black! Having my first baby in may but love the idea of being able to expand easily! Instagram is @jacigs
Ali I truly appreciate you sharing these dresses. Just bought the blue one for my brothers wedding and thinking about buying the pink and dark blue as well. I am pregnant with my first and these dresses do a great job hiding the bump and making me feel so cute! Hope you get credit for me buying from your links! More! More! More! I need help with maternity friendly swim suits and brands. I also copy your home design. Twins!
Hi Ali! Love your stuff and that white dress!!
I wanted to ask what your discount code is for Function of Beauty?? I saw your sponsored ad but cannot find it again now that I’m ready to order.
Thanks in advance!
Ali, where did you get the white earrings that you had on the Bachelorette special?
Do you wear any body shapers with your dresses and if so, which one would you recommend. I hope you respond.
Ali, what does your gold bar necklace say? Where did you get it? Is it from your own jewelry line? I notice you wear it a lot and it looks really cute on you!
I love that you share your height and weight! And are proud of your gorgeous body. It’s so encouraging to most of us who aren’t a size 0,3,5 etc. Celebrity bodies are not what most of us have 😃
How do you wear white so confidently with 2 little kids?? I love your look but I have 2 toddler and I feel like if I wore white that much, I would be a mess!!! You’re family is gorgeous😘
Love the dresses but would love to see in-stock and more affordable options. I came across 2 different links for the bar necklace on your blog. Is it from Nordstrom or Etsy? I’m assuming the the from Nordstrom can’t be customized, it doesn’t look like there’s an option for any customization. Where did you get yours?