Hey guys! Some of you might’ve seen today that I went to a fun event with Riley and I wanted to tell you guys about it. Let me start by saying this blog post is NOT sponsored! I did work with Amazon’s Treasure Truck and Pampers to go to the event today and post on Instagram, but this blog post was not required. I just wanted to write it because I honestly think that the Amazon Treasure Truck is such a cool thing and I wanted to share it. I think a lot of times when people see that something is sponsored on Instagram they immediately think that it’s fake or insincere. And that’s so not true! Definitely not in my case! I only work with brands I truly love and believe in. And today was one of those experiences that I just thought was so cool and it be an absolute shame if people didn’t know about it. That’s why I decided to write this blog post!

So what is Amazon’s Treasure Truck? Well, it’s this awesome truck that shows up in select cities (click HERE to see if it’s in your city!) offering handpicked items. Every time you swing by the truck, you’ll find something new like games, giveaways, yummy food and other surprises. Today in Glendale the Treasure Truck was giving away free Pampers! How cool is that?! They do stuff like this all the time and the only way you can really know about it is either stumbling upon it while you’re out (lucky you!) or you can sign up for notifications on their website (which I highly recommend). I was super psyched about today’s event because I got to try out Pampers newest diapers on Riley. Plus they had coloring stations for kiddos, deeeelicious food, and other things for the kiddos to play with.

All of the info you could need about the truck is HERE, so check it out! And thanks for coming to my blog today and checking out these cuuuuute pics of me and Riley. They are some of my favorites. I love when I get to spend time just me and him. Molly and I got so much of this time before Riley arrived. So I like getting away with just him here and there.

Comment below and tell me what you like to do when you have a day out with your little one! I want ideas!!!! Now that the sun has com back to LA I want to get out with the kiddos more often! And let me know if you’ve been to the Amazon Treasure Truck yet! Or just leave me some looooove! Love you guys!
Pampers are the best, only diaper that is used on first grandson he just turned 1. I
Love following you , love when you share your home and family with us all.
Thank you for commenting and being so kind Linda!!! xoxo
Love love this!! growing up i loved the one on one time with my parents. I absolutely love you & your blog & i have been following along with you since you were on the bachelor lol!! my fav dates were always going to lunch, going to the park, going to the zoo, etc. 💗💗
We all went to dinner as a family tonight and it was so nice! Both kids behaved well and the weather was great so we got to sit outside!
So fun! I love that you always share the good and great and not so great! U inspire me everyday! Thank you!
Good/great moments and tough moments are both a major part of motherhood 🙂 xoxo
My daughter and son are the same ages as yours so I love seeing what you do with them and how you handle situations to give me ideas!
So you are in the trenches right now too! It’s HAAAARD but so so so great. Right?!?! Thanks for following along!
I take my son to the children’s library, reptile zoo, park, museums, and the movies! We also go on picnics at the park or the beach and my son gets to pack the snacks! I think this is the first time I’ve seen a mommy and son date and thought it was so cute!!! Hope to see more in the future!
We haven’t taken Molly to a movie yet but I can’t WAIT to! She just recently watched Frozen and LOVED it so I think when Frozen 2 comes out it will be the perfect opportunity! She calls Kevin, Elsa. HA HA HA!
That is hilarious!! I’m sure she’ll enjoy the experience! Check if your local theater offers kid-friendly matinees. That might be a good time to introduce her to the movies and no one will mind if she gets excited and talks/ dances during the movie.
Hey, I didn’t see a link for the pink shirt with the blue collar? Where can I find that gem!?
I will have ALL the deets on it posted THIS Tuesday! It’s $10! Stay tuned!
Riley looks so much older in his little outfit and hat! He’s so cute! Love the photo of you two with the bubbles. I think that’s a keeper.
He is getting so big. He went form not crawling this month to crawling and pulling himself up and now walking while holding on to something! It’s crazy!
Aww one on one bonding is amazing!!!!
I love following you and your family! I’ve been following since you were a bachelorette!
Your babies are adorable ❤️ Keep up the good work!!
Thank you Justine. I have been so lucky. Thank you for the love and for following me and my family!
Ok… he has the BEST smile and cheeks. My daughter is 18, but I will definitely share with my younger Momma friends. I used to have date day/night with my little girl, just me and her.. keep this going it’s good for you both❤️❤️ These pictures need frames!
I plan on framing one for sure! And I want to set aside time for both my kiddos individually. It’s so important!
I absolutely love the idea of time with one child because it remind me of times with just me and my dad, and I’m one of four. My son (my middle child) and his wife have four kids and he tells me he specifically finds time every weekend to do something with each child by themselves. Could just be a trip to Home Depot or fixing something in the garage, but it’s importantly to him to do. He says he doesn’t remember when he was a child having time with just me (dad was not around much). He’s only 17 months younger than my oldest and I think he’s right. It was always me and BOTH kiddos at that time. Different when my third came along later because the older two had their own things, but that middle child, coming along so soon after his older sister, is the one who sort of got the short end of the stick. All that being said, love love love Mommy/son date!
Thanks for saying all this Jackie. Totally agree that one on one time with each child is sooooo important. But we all just do the best we can! xoxo
Going from 1 kid to 2 kids we definitely have made this a thing as well! I love to take my oldest (5) and grab lunch, go to target and roam the toy aisles, even something as simple as being able to go outside & give him undivided attention away from the baby. Love all that you share!
I have a 3 yr old son and 8 month old daughter, and you’re so right that it’s hard to make individual time for them! Some things we like to do are go for walks or to the park or library. We also read every day. My son loves to grocery shop with me and sometimes I take him and leave my baby at home with my husband. When I was a kid my hometown grocery store had mini carts that we got to push and fill with groceries. It was the best thing ever!! I’m thinking about putting that on the birthday wish list and taking one child at a time (obviously when my daughter is older) to grocery shop and fill their little cart! How fun right?! We also have a tiny theater in town that we have taken our son to a few times. And even just getting outside for a few minutes when the baby is napping is great for my son. I absolutely love watching their relationship develop but it’s a great reminder to take time for each of them! I always appreciate your posts and love your sincerity and relatability!! Much love from IN! (I saw your in laws live not too far from me and was kind of fangirling about it when you were here visiting haha!)
Darling pictures of you and sweet Riley, Ali!❤️
Riley is adorable – of course, so are you, Ali! Love the pictures! 🙂 💗
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Oh my, Riley is such a happy, and adorable baby. 🙂 You guys have cute photos together. Love love.
I am so grateful for all the cute pics I get to have taken of me and my kiddos!
Super cool. The Amazon Treasure Truck hasn’t hit Minneapolis yet but maybe some day!
I’m sure it will one day soon!
Ali, Thanks for the info. I found the pressure cooker for half the Price at the Treasure truck in the Amazon page.
I love your page, I love your blog, I love your ideas and I love how great you look in those jeans. I’m 5 months postpartum and I had Diastasis Recti, I went to therapy and they re-educate my muscle but I don’t t know if my belly it’s going to be back like it used to be, it’s a big pouch and I kind of discouraged if I can wear again my high waisted jeans. Anyway, Riley it’s a cute little man with that outfit. I can’t wait for a better weather here in Chicago and finally going out with my kids and enjoy the sun.
P. S. I’m your Colombian fan. 💕
Half off?!?! That’s amazing!!! And it’s crazy you you just commented about Diastasis Recti because I am pretty certain I have it. Just last night Molly accidentally kicked me in the stomach and I have been in soooo much pain ever since. She got me right in between the muscles. And I have a huge gap 🙁
Dear Ali
I’m appalled by you did you see the tragedies that happened in New Zealand?? As someone who has a high platform like you you should be spreading awareness and showing diversity. Are white lives and what happens to white people the only thing that matters to you?? I have been a big fan for forever but I’m immensely disappointed in you & your lack of compassion for this issue. I may even unfollow you on social media now.
I’m sorry to hear this. We are all deal with tragedy’s differently. I for one have chose to deal with them by spending more time with my family and focusing LESS on social media. Really not fair of you to assume that I only care about white people because I didn’t talk about to on social media.