I can’t believe it! We finally moved into our new house! If you’ve been following along on my blog for the past few months then you know that it’s been quite a process getting into this house. So we feel super grateful to finally be moved in. However, I will say that there is so much to be done! It feel a bit overwhelming at times. We have to get a ton of new furniture since all of our old furniture seems so small in this new house since it’s much bigger than our last house. But all of that will happen in time and until we unpack and place our old furniture, we’re perfectly happy having little picnics on the floor in front of our fireplace! Btw, is my sweater not the cutest?!?! It’s sooo cozy. Got it HERE.
I think that’s one of the most fun things about moving into a new place, eating take out on the floor! And don’t worry, my glass has sparkling apple cider in it, not actual champagne. But I still wanted to have a toast to our new home!
Decorating our home isn’t just going to be something Kevin and I do together. It’s a process that I plan to take all of you on with me and I hope you guys can have fun with me and help me pick out furniture and window coverings and all that other fun stuff! I’m working with designer Veronica Valencia (Jillian Harris introduced me to her!) and I’m so excited to see what we can create together!
Here is my first question for you guys! What is your favorite paint color for a front door?! I might want to paint the inside a different color than the outside. See pic of door below. It’s a large door so keep that in mind! I would love a lighter /soft color, but I don’t know what color! Help me!!!!! HA!
The front door is just the beginning! I hope to share so much of the design process with all of you and I can wait for your input. Leave me comments with your ideas for the door in the comments below!
Luv you guys!
P.S. Anyone else have picnics on the floor when you moved into a new place? So fun right?!
Congrats Ali and family! We moved into our home 19 years ago when the kids were 1, 4 and 11….MANY picnics before the kitchen table was bought…and VERY happy memories!
Awwwwww love hearing that. We made our first happy memory with our picnic!
Congrats on moving in, Ali! ❤️❤️ The setting looks great so far, a lovely place for Molly to grow up in for sure! I actually quite like the bold black door as of now. Maybe live with it for a while before you repaint it to see how you truly feel about it! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I think the black door is cool too. I just don’t think it’s going to go with the feel of our decor. It’s more modern and my style is more traditional/farm chic 😉
I would suggest a soft grey/blue for your door to go with your modern farm chic feel.
Little Falls or Nantucket Fog from Benjamin Moore
As in, just like Jillian Harris.
Dark green or dark purple would be my input. Glad you are finally there!!!
Dark green or dark purple would be my input. Glad you are finally there!!! How does Owen like all the room to roam?
I’m thinking I want a lighter color. Thoughts?
I love all shades of Robin’s egg blue which is a really soft blue/ green. Goes beautifully with the farm/chic style.
How about a nice soft blue for the door? 🙂 🙂 I’m obsessed with blue lately! congratulations!
Hi Ali
Your pictures are so romantic!
Thanks for sharing…I, like many others have been waiting for the beginning of your family’s newest journey.
I like grey for the front door (or red. ..I can’t decide)
Very happy for all of you! 💚
OOOOoooooo I like light grey a lot! I hadn’t thought of that!
I was thinking the same thing. Grey seems to be in more now than in past years.
The perfect front door color could be Benjamin Moore, Yellow Marigold. Yellow is such a warm, welcoming color for your front door or your first impression!
I will look it up now!!!! Light yellow could be sooo pretty!
IF you are into the yellow family you might like the white raisin by Sherwin Williams. It goes with everything. Not really gold but not yellow either. Great middle ground in that color family.
So happy for you Ali! If you plan on decorating your house in the same vibe as your Instagram photos, I would personally choose a dusty blue. It’s still in the soft pastel family but it can be a little darker if you’re looking for some contrast. Good luck and happy designing!
I never thought of a light/dusty blue and I think I luuuvvvvvvvv it!
I was going to say do the same color as Jillian Harris 😁
I have seen homes with light blue doors that look beautiful! Just depends on the color of the house.
I am googling homes with light blue doors now! Loving it!
Hmm. Maybe a slate blue/Grey I’m all about muted undertones of colors but soft light airy looks!
I’m totally into that! I am soooo glad I asked you guys!
A light blue (on the grey side) like Benjamin Moore Seattle Grey? There’s lots of color families you can play around with on their website!
Pale yellow is the best. Matches all decor in the front …. I did mine a year ago and I love it. And I get so happy every time I pull up to my house.
Hi Ali, congratulations on your new home! I hope that the Manno’s next chapter here is an incredible one. Would a light duck egg blue suit the door? Lots of love from South Africa xx
We had a light teal on our door in our first home and I loved it!! It just looked so fresh and clean. Also, you seem like the sweetest!
I love a quirky door. The outside of our house is Grey so we went with a navy door. It gave the house more personality.
For a farmhouse chic feel, I’d go with either a minty shade or a mustard. They’re both unique but not completely weird.
We totally had the floor dinner the first night! We had “tailgating chairs” in our living room for weeks until we got furniture! Lol. As for our front door-it is seamfoam green! Totally stands out and is a light fun color! 🙂
Congrats on your house! It’s going to be beautiful! also, you’re amazing moving with a 1 year old and pregnant, Mom goals! I have a one year old little girl too so I know how busy they are!
Maybe a blush door?! I feel like a pretty light blush would be so fun and girly!
You could always keep the door dark and add a white or light gray screen door infront of it! I love the screen doors with the cool patterns at the bottom..it’s called a Chippendale door. The door could match the trim color or the color of your shutters (if you have them) which would be super cute!! I’m moving into a new house in March so I am so excited to get design inspiration from you!! 🙂
Benjamin Moore-Swept Away for your front door!
Hi Ali..
Your pictures are beautiful. I would go with a light yellow or grey for the door. Im really into all of the whites and greys these days. Light makes everything look so much bigger.
Very happy for you and your family!!
Hi Ali…… Greyhound by Benjamin Moore is a light inviting color that says Welcome to our home……
Hi Ali, congratulations on your new house! I have always loved a red front door. The nice thing about it is you can either do a light/brighter red or a deep dark red! It’s always sure to make a statement! Can’t wait to see what you end up deciding!
Check out Sherwin Williams “Sea Salt” it’s a beautiful light green/blue/gray – sounds weird but it’s a gorgeous color and looks great with farmhouse decor
Congrats on the new home! For the door I think a coral or sea green would be pretty!
Maybe a light blue for the front door. I love the door color on Jillian Harris’ house!
Congrats on your new home! Check out Benjamin Moore Platinum Gray. It would be lovely for your front door!
Ail, Kevin and Molly,
Congratulations on the new place!! So happy for you all and the door do a light blue color. What does the outside look like is it white? Have fun with the new house.
Sherwin Williams Topsail is a beautiful light color! So is Benjamin Moore Athabasca. I can’t wait to see what you do with your new home! Congratulatuons.
My front door is Valspar turquoise twist and it turned out to be more minty than I thought but I ended up loving it.
Can you give us advice on designing/decorating on a budget? We have very similar styles and I’m struggling finding a new home for our family because I’m so picky! I know I can make anything my own but definitely don’t have an unlimited budget!
Have you considered a reclaimed wooden door? You could stain it something warm and inviting to go along with your farm/chic style.
Congratulations on your new home! If you’re looking for a light color for the door I would say a soft yellow or light blue. Those are so pretty whether your house is white or a darker color on the outside. Have fun decorating! Please share some decor pics once you’re all done!
“Isn’t my sweater the cutest?” “Isnt molly the cutest baby ever?” I’m sorry but you BRAG so. freaking. much. All the time. I really can’t stand following any more. Just wanted to give my input as I’m sure others feel the same.
Could not agree more!!
Ali, keep doing you, girl. Ignore the bitter people who find joy in taking from people’s happiness. I’ll never understand that need. And more importantly, your sweater/clothes/daughter ARE the cutest, soo……… I don’t see the issue. 🙂
Jealousy is ugly! She is proud of her baby, go figure! And she’s recommending clothes and I for one appreciate it! If you don’t like it then move along but you don’t need to leave a nasty comment. Be a kind human.
Oh my gosh I could not disagree more!! My favorite part about reading this blog is how genuine & honest you are, Ali. You share the good AND the bad. This is such a positive/down to earth little corner of the Internet. Also, your sweater and Molly are the cutest, so might as well call it like it is. 😉
One of the reasons I come here is that Ali is so real and so optimistic. She’s honest about the good, the bad and the cute. Keep doing what your doing Ali, it’s fabulous!
Hey Ali! So excited for you! I never did pics on the floor like that but now I wished I had! I was so stressed and filled with anxiety when I purchased my home that I don’t think I took the time to just embrace it and love it. I think I still am trying/learning to do that. My boyfriend bought some champagne and surprised me with that the day I took possession so we had some champagne in my new “empty” home. He is so thoughtful. <3
In regards to your front door, I've been reading about Feng Shui and apparently the door color matters based on the direction of your home. Maybe, if you have time, google feng shui and front door colors and they can help guide you to what color would be best for you and your growing family. <3
I'm excited to see what you decide on. 🙂
Hi Ali, congratulations to you all.
Food for thought. As a interior designer for over 20 yrs I tend to keep the outside of homes in only two colours. With pops of bright colour added with furniture cusions and flowers, carpets on porches etc. Without seeing what the whole house looks like and what your main colour pallette is on the inside its hard to select the perfect colour or over all feel you want but looking at the floors inside and trim I think a soft blue/gray door would be fresh and complimentary.
Four options to consider:
Ben Moore (more blue)
Breath of fresh air
Pale smoke
Glass slipper
Kryptron sw 6247
Relection 7661
We also slept in sleeping bags for at least the first night when my family moved into our new house! I was 8 years old 🙂 … as for the front door, I tend to like shades of teal when I drive by homes with colorful front doors 🙂
I know it sounds like a lot of work but I think a wooden door would look really cool! So I don’t know if you’re able to strip the door and stain it or if you would have to purchase a new door either way the wooden door with black hardware would look awesome ❤️💕
Couldn’t agree more!
I don’t have a recommendation on door color because I like the look of that door in black, but can I just add that I LOOOOVE that door?! I love that there are windows to let the light in, but they are high enough that you could still peek out to see who’s at the door without letting them know you’re creeping on them. lol That is, if there is a peep hole. 😉
Saw a front door where they used ‘Benjamin Moore Covington Blue’. It’s a light blue teal color!! So pretty! Check it out!!
Benjamin Moore Brittany Blue for the door!
Congratulations on your new beautiful home. 🙂
I can’t remember if red or yellow for a front door is supposed to bring luck. Both are farmhouse chic for sure. You could do red on the outdoor and a soft yellow on the inside part? Farmhouse is my favorite style and congrats on the house!
Or just strip the paint and stain the wood!
Congrats on your lovely home! Picnics are the best! I would definitely do a soft aqua on the door. I have that color on my door. The inside is painted in a cream and the colors are amazing together! I’m also into grey now. But, I find the soft aqua at the door is so welcoming and if you like to use wreaths it really pops! I think it would be beautiful for a home in sunny Southern California. I can’t wait to see what you choose.
Floor picnics are our favorite tradition with moving. All 5 of our kids love it!
Congratulations Ali! So happy for you guys. I would suggest a light/mint green for the door.
Hi Ali,
Congratulations on your new home!
Have you seen Hilary Duffs dusty pink doors… they are sooo pretty. Her house is in the current issue of Better Homes & Gardens, you can see the doors there.
Enjoy your beautiful family and new home.
Yes, the dusty pink is very pretty on the dark-colored painted house!
Congrats Ali I’ve been following you since the Bachelor you’ve always been one of my favorites it’s exciting to see how far you’ve come!! Can’t wait to see a tour of the whole home!!
What about “Thunder” Benjamin Moore
I always think a dark colored door is so striking when I’m driving past a house, even a dark stain! It really makes the front of a house stand out. Look at the Houzz app for different ideas. It has awesome visuals and I used it a lot when I was moving into a new home.
If not for the door then at least for a room Colour. We love it!!! We have it I our master bedroom and kids bathroom
I really love a red door. It means welcome. But if you want a lighter color and to match the rest I think maybe a grey?
Congrats on the new home!! It’s such a new exciting chapter. I love family picnics in the living room. Even once you have furniture. It’s just fun for the kids.
I paint the door either a light grey or maybe stain it to a dark wood color?
Congratulations on moving into your new home! That main room looks gorgeous! I love reading all of the paint color suggestions! Based on the decor of your previous home, I think you’ll be happiest with a soft, muted pastel for the inside of the door. I’m unclear as to whether you want to reprint the outside, too, and if so, how is it that it was painted black to begin with, with you preferring soft, muted colors?
Pale pink or a light blue grey.
Can’t wait to see the new house! It’s going to look FABULOUS once you get done! We painted the outside and inside of our front door Dolphin Blue by Behr…I LOVE THIS COLOR. I also have it in my half bath. Can’t wait to see what all you do! Many congrats to you and your sweet family!
Rain by Sherwin Williams. It is a soft turquoise/aqua. Beautiful.
Without having seen the front of the home and just the look of the door, I would say something in the shades of a Dusty Grey or even Midnight Show from BEHR. Stormy side from Benjamin Moore is really nice! Cant wait to see what you do! Its a Gorgeous door!
We just did a major home renovation for the fixer upper we bought taking everything down to the studs. It was so exciting to choose all the finishes for every single detail and now to be purchasing all new furniture.
I chose a deep blue for our front door which I love but it’s hard to give you a suggestion without knowing what the exterior of your house looks like.
Have fun!
Benjamin Moore Brewster Grey!
Congrats on new Keys..
Love Door as….Classic Black
Congratulations on your new home! Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue is beautiful on doors and if you want a smidge darker than that, Stratton Blue will be perfect! Have fun!
Congrats on your new home Ali! I think if you’re going for traditional/rustic sort of feeling then maybe a light greyish color or even a more mellow blue might be nice? I can’t wait to see more pictures of your adorable home 🙂
Kilz has some great colors also it is called wild lettuce it is a beautiful light green. They also have a beautiful soft blue if your are looking in that direction that I have used that is Rain reflection. Both are muted colors and very soft.
Hey Ali! Congrats on your new home! My husband and I have a farm house that is white and I am about to paint our front door a barn red color! I think the color of the door can really reflect the family who lives there! Also a grey or green can be pretty! Good luck picking!
I saw some of the same comments above but grey/teal or dusty blue are my personal faves. Happy decorating!
You could paint the door like a dusty light purple 🙂
Merino Wool by Behr is the most amazing interior wall color. Give it a test run! And regarding your front door, try a coral! We just painted ours coral last summer & we LOVE it. Our neighbors & even strangers stop when they see us outside just to say the love what we did to our house. We had the whole house painted a light gray, but I swear it the coral front door that really did the trick. 🙂
I used to always want a bright red door, until I got into the art of Feng Shui, now I’m going to do a pale yellow. Applying Feng Shui in deciding your door color will direct positive energy inward and make your house the best it can be! You’ll want to know what direction your front door faces as well. There are tons of articles you could read on this! Below is fun one to start. 🙂
What will you do with your old furniture? Maybe sell it! I would love to shop your stuff! I love your style.
Congratulations Ali to you and to your family!
What is striking is the attitude of Molly: The changes give new inspirations. Amazing! A nice lesson to the little ones and to the parents. 🙂
Hi Ali! I loved watching you on your season on the Bachelor/ette. It has also been great following you and your family!
As for doors what if you went with a wooded door? If you ever want to change your siding color wood goes with a lot and can be paired with both modern and country. Plus you can put any pretty wreath on it! Hope this helps!
How about Orchid Purple or Tiffany Blue?
We are building a new home and for one of the bathrooms I went with Benjamin Moore “Healing Aloe”. It’s such a soft, serene color. Everybody that walks in the room just raves about it! I wish I did more of it elsewhere. It’s a greenish blue and looks fabulous next to my crisp white trim.
Door color I just love: Blue Lake by Benjamin Moore
Benjamin Moore Hawthorne Yellow for your front door. A beautiful, soft, buttery yellow.
Hi Ali!
I think a light purple door would be so cute!
Ok I have to ask! Will you have to completely redo Molly’s room? I was so in love with her room but I assume that beautiful flower wall couldn’t be transferred?!
Congratulations! The small glimpse of the home in these pics look amazing!
If you are looking for a light blue – slight grey undertones for the door, consider Sherwin Williams Lullaby mixed at only 50%.
Good luck!
Congrats on the new place! I can’t wait to see more!
Try Benjamin Moore Pale Smoke or Sherwin-Williams Sea Salt for the interior side of the front door. Both are so dreamy and subtle, perfect for traditional/farmhouse style.
How did Molly sleep with the transition to a new home?
What size are you wearing in the sweater?
Wythe Blue – BM
Google “ wythe blue door”
YES! This us my favorite too!
Congrats on the new house! I’m excited to see more of those gorgeous built ins! As for the front door, I do really like black. I just painted the insides of both our exterior doors that go to the porch and garage black. Why? Because I have kids and was always cleaning those formerly white doors with magic erasers. Now they look clean, even if they’re not & I don’t stress about them. The outside of my front door is a dark purple that is almost a charcoal color. Our builder’s decorator suggested it during the selection process and it’s very subtle but adds something to the house. That was 7 years ago and that door will need replacing soon, we may go with a richer wood tone to give more of a craftsman feel this time around. My advice would be to look at what kinds of things if any (wreaths, etc) you’s like to hang on it for each season and try to pick something that looks great on it’s own as well as in each season.
Congratulations Ali, Kevin, and Molly!
How exciting! Shoot, I have a dining table and a breakfast nook and we still have picnics time to time! It’s fun! I think your door would look lovely with a pale yellow, it’s bright and fresh. My second suggestion would be salmon pink. I like those colors because they are soft and bold instead of a deep red or other bright primary, which are too bold (in my opinion). But whatever color you choose, I am sure will be perfect for you guys. Again, congratulations and hugs from Idaho!
Congrats on the house!! So exciting to make a new house your home to make years of memories in!
I’d totally go with a blue/grey colour, super chic but still classy
So I find this super interesting about what the color of your front door means: http://www.paintquality.com/en/articles/2012/05/five-popular-front-door-colors-and-what-they-might-say-about-you
That being said, I think Benjamin Moore silver Marlin (a light blue) and Wythe Blue are both pretty!
What color is the front of the house? I would say probably a medium gray with a lighter gray for the inside. (If that would match the outside).
https://pin.it/evrntvhwds34m4 This color! 💙
I would like at Joanna Gaines photos I think her and Chip are going back on TV maybe you need a little trip down to Waco to see her farm chic life. A friend of mine went they have this whole village there with cool shops.https://magnoliamarket.com/blog/
Ali can you pls give the info on your floors??!! They are beautiful & I have been trying to decide on new flooring for over a year now!
Can you please do a post sharing more design choices in your new home (i.e. floors, kitchen, backsplash, bathroom tile, etc)? Your house looks very fresh and updated and need some ideas for the townhome my hubs and I are building. Design appointment is in a few weeks eeeeek!
Ali, love your blog and following your sweet family! I’m 18 weeks pregnant with my second and have esp loved your fashion tips! Thank you! We are renovating our home and I really like the hardwood flooring in your new home, could you share details? Thank you!
Can you please do a blog on your kitchen details? Flooring, cabinet colours! Thanks
Hey Ali,
What is the name of your wood floors? (brand and color) We’re building a new home and I’ve been looking for floors just like yours and haven’t found any I like as much!
Hi Ali,
I love your modern farmhouse home style! We are in the process of building our new home, and trying to finalize our layout to be as functional as possible with two kids aged similar to Molly and Riley. Any recommendations? For e.g., do you recommend open concept between kitchen, family room, formal living and dining? Laundry to be upstairs or on the main floor? Also, would you mind sharing the layout of your house, in particular the main floor? Many thanks! Any advice would help.
It’s getting warmer. But there is a lot of fine dust. You should pay attention to respiratory care. Wear a mask and drink warm water often. You should pay attention to health care.메이저놀이터