A Stronger and Healthier Body

Real talk. I haven’t stepped foot inside a gym in over five years. Maybe even a few years more than that to be honest with you. The only place I have ever gone to work out in the last five years is to hot yoga, and now that I’m pregnant my doctor has advised me not to do hot yoga. So it’s been a real struggle for me this pregnancy figuring out how to keep some sort of fitness routine to stay healthy for both me and the baby. Obviously not looking to lose weight. I just want my body to be strong and ready to give birth. Since I’ve been through labor once before, I know how taxing it is on a woman’s body. It left me really beat up last time and I vowed to myself to be stronger for my next pregnancy.

Well, I am by far in worse shape this pregnancy than I was last time so far. Last time, I didn’t do any hard-core working out by any means, but I went to yoga throughout the first trimester and through some of the second trimester. Maybe once every two weeks. But hey it was something! It was regular yoga, not hot yoga. And, because I didn’t have a little toddler to look after, I went on hikes with my friends regularly.

And don’t get me wrong. I know I am very lucky that my body “looks” healthy. I say “looks” because I’m NOT healthy right now. I can barely get through my day without feeling fatigue and winded and I know a lot of that is because of pregnancy. But I still know I need to take much better care of myself. I am just extremely luckily that my body carries pregnancy well and I “look” healthy and fit. I’m not.

So I guess the point of today’s blog is threefold. One, to share what I have been doing so far to try to somewhat strengthen my body. And it’s not much so don’t judge me. Two, reach out to all of you hoping that you have suggestions for how you stay in shape. It would probably need to be very beginner stuff if you’re not pregnant or things that you did when you were pregnant! And three, I’m hoping that this blog inspires other women out there – pregnant or not – to do something good for their bodies! Our body is our greatest gift. And it’s so important to take care of it. And that’s definitely not something I’ve been doing lately. I’m determined to get back on track though!

OK, so here is what works for me when it comes to getting up and getting my body moving!


This is much harder if you live in the parts of the country where it’s freezing cold right now! Who wants to go outside for a walk when it’s 20 below zero!? Not me! However, I’m super lucky to live in Southern California and have beautiful weather in January. It’s honestly in the high 60’s to low 70’s every day right now. So Kevin and I make it a point to take Owen and Molly on a long walk every evening around 5 PM. It allows Molly to get outside, Owen to get a much deserved a long walk and for me to get some exercise.


Wear a Pedometer

I wear a watch that tracks my steps every day. Some days I forget to wear it, or doesn’t quite go with my outfit so I won’t wear it. Ha! But I try to wear it most days. I’ll just take it off if I’m filming something for Home & Family or I’m taking fashion photos of my outfit and it didn’t match. I have two, the Nokia watch which I wear when I’m wearing a more casual outfit and I wanted to look like I’m wearing a real watch. And then my Fitbit that I wear when I have a more sporty look. Really my goal is just to get to 8,000 steps a day. I know 10,000 steps today is a more common goal and what most doctors recommend. But I was never hitting 10,000 steps today! Ha! I used to before I had Molly. Heck I would crush 10,000 steps today! But I just never met that goal after Molly came around and I started getting down on myself so I changed my goal so that I actually hit it on some days. Don’t get me wrong, most days I get around 4,000 steps. But at least by wearing the pedometer I’m aware of how many steps I’ve taken and sometimes when I look down at my watch and see I’ve only taken half my steps for the day it motivates me to take an even longer walk in the evening.

Dress for Success!

I honestly feel that when you feel like you look your best, you feel more motivated to do things. For example, let’s say at the end of the workday you feel like your outfit is really cute, your make-up is on point, and you’re having a really good hair day – don’t you feel more motivated to go out and grab dinner or drinks with friends?! But on the flip-side, if your outfit’s drab and you don’t like how your hair and make up looks, you’re much less likely to feel the urge to want to go out. I kind of feel like this applies to working out too. Look, I’m not the girl that goes to yoga with a full face of make up. Please don’t be that person! But I do believe that if you have some cute workout clothes that you love, you’ll feel more motivated to go to classes and work out in them! So since I’m a big dork I want to head and bought a sports bra from Beyoncé’s fitness line Ivy Park. Wearing it makes me feel like Queen Bey! Ha! Well not exactly, but I still feel like a kick butt mama wearing it. I don’t bother buying work out maternity leggings. I just wear my regular maternity leggings. Just because I have so many pairs of them since I wear them all the time. And side note, how cute are mine and Molly‘s matching sneakers?! Every time we both wear them when we go out people always comment on how cute they are!

Drink Lots of Water

I have bottles of water all around the house. By my nightstand, in our living room, next to the fridge, etc… I refresh them every day and sometimes multiple times throughout the day depending on how much water I’m drinking. It’s just a good reminder every time I see one to take a few sips and stay hydrated. Water is so important for keeping our bodies healthy! Especially for pregnant women! I’m actually going to see a cardiologist in a couple weeks since I’ve been so dizzy with this pregnancy. I’ve almost fainted multiple times, to the point where I’ve fallen to the floor for a few minutes at a time. But there’s a good chance that I could’ve just been dehydrated. It’s so important for pregnant woman to drink tons of water! Eve more than when you’re not pregnant!

Be an Active and Present be Parent

This one is obviously for moms. It’s hard to be an active mother if you don’t have a child. Ha! I guess if you have a fur baby you could take this tip since you can be an active fur baby mama! But I found that when I just play with my daughter I’m moving and burning calories! And I’m getting major mom points in her eyes! Plus, at the end of the day, when I’m more present in my daughters life I just feel better. I feel better about how her day was and I feel better about how I’m doing as a mom. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to be a more present mother and I feel that not only can I help reach my goals of being more present, but it also helps me keep my body healthy.


Anyway, I wish I had more to say about what I’m doing to stay in shape and healthy for this baby. But I just don’t! I want to be completely honest with you guys and I’m just not doing that great of a job. So here’s where all of you come in! I’m so grateful for the incredible community of women and men that I have on this blog! You guys are with me every day and have given me such great advice over the years. So today I’m hoping we can all help each other in the comments section and share what we do to stay in shape. Whether it’s an app you love, a DVD you swear by, or just little tips throughout the day like taking the stairs instead of the elevator that help you take care of your body! I want to hear it all! Love you guys so much and here’s to a healthier and stronger you!



123 Thoughts

123 thoughts on “A Stronger and Healthier Body

  1. I LOVE MaterniFit!! You can attend classes or do one-on-one training with Evelyn (she’s amazing and training pregnant and postpartum mamas is her specialty) AND you can an bring your toddler with you! It’s a small studio gym so one-on-one sessions are literally just you and the trainer (and toddler) in the gym, which I really like. Might be a bit far for you, but I highly recommend checking it out!

  2. Thank you for being so real and authentic! I love this post! I’m hoping to have my second baby soon and plan to do an exercise program geared towards pregnant women called Expecting and Empowered, I’ll message you more information! Outside of that, walking and swimming are amazing low impact forms of exercise!

        1. Cody is an app – Jennifer forrester has prenatal training broken down by trimester – and they’re short – 10-20 min tops! I love it!

    1. Ooo yess!!! I just posted about Expecting and Empowered too! Love how comprehensive the guide is, especially for the pelvic floor and getting those kegel exercises in 😉 I will be doing this guide for my second pregnancy as well, so excited!!

      1. Suzanne I also love that they focus a lot on the pelvic floor and other areas of the body that need to be strengthened to support the body during labor and delivery and postpartum.

  3. I love the app Aaptiv! It’s $10 a month and they have a really wide range of audio workouts you can do with just your body weight. They range from 5-60 minutes and they have options for all levels. I use it a lot when I’m lacking the motivation to do something on my own!

    1. Do you know if they are pregnancy safe? Or have a pregnancy safe section? I guess I worry about doing exercises I’m not supposed to

      1. Hi Ali!

        I just started using Aaptiv, and I totally love it! I just double checked and they actually have a whole program dedicated to maternity workouts, specifically for each trimester and even workouts you can do with the stroller once your new little one is born! Hope this helps!

        Good luck!

  4. I feel you girl! I’m 15 weeks (with a 3 year old at home) and haven’t worked out in the past 7 weeks or so. It’s hard! I’m trying to get back to Pure Barre. It’s my favorite work out and great during pregnancy, with modifications of course. I’m signed up for a class this weekend. Hoping that I will be motivated to get back into it.

    I like your idea of evening walks. I could totally incorporate that into our nightly routine.

    1. I love the idea of doing a class but I always wondering what is ok for pregnancy. Did you Doctor say Pure Barre was pregnancy safe? Also, I feel like I will never find the time to get to a class. I need to look up and see if there are classes I can take Molly too! Ha!

      1. Love Pure Barre too! I wish I had it when I was pregnant, but I see a ton of pregnant ladies working out there and the weight seems to fall right off of them post baby!

      2. Pure Barre has online classes you can do at home! I’m looking into that now as my current schedule makes it hard to get to actual classes. I do believe they also have childcare…

  5. I find Pilates classes and cycling are great classes because they go by quickly and get the heart pumping. I’ve also learned that taking 45 minutes of you day to exercise is only 4% of your day and when you think about that it’s such a small piece that has such an incredible impact. Good luck!!

  6. You got this, girl! Something that helps me is to get my hubby involved. We try to go to the gym nightly together and hire a babysitter to do that. It’s a built-in accountability partner! If your hubby isn’t a good candidate maybe find a friend who would be down to do some light lifting and cardio. It is so hard to get there, but once the endorphins kick in and your body starts looking more and more toned you really get addicted! You’re adorable either way though. 🙂 And remember: abs are made in the kitchen. We strive to do a low carb high veggie/meat diet. Keeps me lean even when I can’t hit the gym!! Get it, Mama! ❤️

  7. I LOVE Fitnessblender.com! 500+ free workout videos done by a real husband and wife team. You can choose from fitness levels 1-5, yoga, Pilates, strength training, stretching, etc. all in the comfort of your own home. I love their honesty and they are very likable and non-threatening (if that makes sense!) Highly recommend!

  8. Love your honesty Ali! I’m expecting my first baby mid-May, and I love that you keep it so real! I’m in the same boat for sure (but without the excuse of a toddler, haha). While I’m totally out of shape I’ve actually lost a lot of weight due to getting hyperemesis gravidarum (i.e extreme morning sickness – oh my gosh it is THE WORST!) so I just feel super, super weak and it’s freaking me out in terms of preparing for labor. I plan on taking a pregnancy yoga class, and meanwhile I’m just trying to walk and be on my feet as much as I can! Which is not always a lot!

    Love your blog so much!

  9. Hi Ali! I love this post so much. It is so nice not to feel like the only one that could do better. I swear the latest pregnancy trend is to have pregnant abs or look 4 months pregnant when you’re 9! So thank you for being so honest and open in your posts. It’s actually kind of funny.. I had my first child about a month before you had Molly, and now I’m 6 weeks further along then you with #2 as well! So girl, I can relate. Ha!

    One of my resolutions was to get moving every day. So ever since I made that resolution, I’ve done a really good job of sticking with it! I’m about to head into my 3rd trimester so I don’t do too much. But on the days I’m feeling extra motivated I get on YouTube and do a 20 minute prenatal Pilates video. I like to do BodyFit by Amy. It just makes me feel strong and empowered afterwards and a little less guilty. And it also helps that it’s free, I can do it from home (bc toddler!) and it’s only 20 minutes. Surelllllly I can fit in 20 min to workout. Lol

    Hope this helps! 🙂

  10. Ali, I needed this blog post today, thank you! I’m also pregnant, due in July, and chasing my toddler around who was born just 3 days after Molly! So I feel what you’re goung through completely! I’ve been feeling the same way lately. Thank you for the great suggestions, and know you’re not alone! I’m one of those Moms that is living in the colder weather right now so walks are hard, but I’m getting a fit bit soon so hopefully that should help me start tracking my activity level more!

    Ps- Love your blog!

  11. Hi Ali! I discovered barre classes at Barre3 last year and have completely fallen in love! The community is wonderful and it’s very low-pressure – they give tons of modifications throughout class and are always encouraging you to do what you can and what feels good. The classes are one hour each and fly by. I’m not a mom, but there are frequently pregnant women in my classes. I believe most locations have free child care as well. If there’s a location near you, I would highly suggest checking it out 🙂 Good luck!

    1. Where I live, I do not have access to a Barre3 studio, but I cannot say enough good things about Barre3 online. It is my go to at home workout when I can’t get to my yoga or pilates classes. All of the workouts give you modifications and they also have prenatal workouts. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

    2. I second (third?!) the barre suggestion. I personally go to Pure Barre and it is low impact and they are great with modifications for pregnant mommas. All the ladies who exercised there during their pregnancies do so well during delivery and recovery too! Highly recommend checking it out.

  12. I am exactly you! I’ve luckily always stayed thin, but have never had a consistent or regular fitness routine. Throughout my pregnancies, I walked here and there, but did gain 60 lbs in my first pregnancy with my daughter and 45 lbs in my second with my son. The weight came off, but I have not felt toned or strong. Recently with really low energy, I decided to finally commit my self to regularly workout. I just bought the BBG program you have probably heard about. I’ve started with the beginner BBG. The workouts are challenging but super easy to do at home. You just need to take 20-30 mins out of the day and click on the app on your phone. There is even a post-pregnancy program.

  13. Tracy Anderson has a DVD respectively online download on her site that is especially direted at pregnancy and is divided into 9 workouts, one for each month. She was pregnant with her second child when she filmed that herself. I have never been pregnant but know of a lot of pregnant women who‘ve done and loved it.

  14. I am so grateful that you posted this. I am 20 weeks today and have had absolutely no motivation to work out, and I have no good excuses! This week, it hit me how hard it might be for me to bounce back and get back to my regular self after baby if I didn’t start doing something NOW. I searched Pinterest like a crazy person and found the best YouTube workout channel – BodyFit by Amy. I normally can’t get into those classes because they feel so impersonal. But Amy has a channel where she does videos while she is pregnant – so not only is she feeling the feels with you, she is constantly reminding you how important it is to be doing anything at all, which makes me feel so much better.

    I am so glad I am not the only momma to be struggling with a healthy habit. Hope you post more posts like this!

  15. I think it’s great you’re touching on this subject and being so honest about it! I used to work out a lot, and then life got in the way. I don’t have kids yet, but I do have a dog, which is such a full time commitment 🙂
    I’m too tired to workout when I get home and if I wake up early to workout before work, I’m needing a nap by 3pm!

    I just started Beachbody on demand … the app and website are great!! I’ve stares doing the 21 Day fix. It’s only 30 minutes!! It’s something I can do in my living room and it’s so quick and easy to follow along. I highly recommend it!!

  16. Good for you for being motivated for a healthy pregnancy! I am 27w3d right now with my first child and have attributed feeling amazing the entire time to the fact that I have remained extremely active…5-6 gym workouts a week, getting up from my desk every 90 minutes, etc. I am a cyclist (completed a century, 102 mile bike ride in 7 hours while 4 weeks pregnant) so that helped me stay active before starting to get a bump/thinking too much about balance. Now, it’s a 25 minute cardio on the elliptical and some light weight and strength training. SQUATS! Get into a squat routine 🙂

  17. If you liked yoga you may love Barre! I love Barre Method and there are always so many pregnant women in class, and they say that all the small focused movements help them have easier births! Some Bar Methods also offer childcare during the classes 🙂

  18. From my experience doing squats and lunges were the biggest help. The basic excercises strengthen a lot of the muscles you use during labor. Good luck!

  19. Molly is just 2 weeks older than my daughter! When I’m not pregnant, I try to do boot camp cardio classes 2x a week. When I was pregnant, I mostly did prenatal yoga and the elliptical machine for 30min. Be kind to yourself- it’s so hard finding the time to exercise now that I’m a mom and I’m sure it’s even harder being a pregnant mom! It’s good that you are at least walking every evening with the dog. Keep that up at least 😘

  20. Hi Ali! Love your blog, your honesty and especially this post! I had my first a month after you had Molly and am currently 15 weeks with my second. I have no motivation and am totally out of shape too!! You are so lucky to live where it’s warm! I am here in MN where it is -20 below!!! Thanks for making me want to kick it in gear and get stronger and healthier too! I’ve been thinking I need to start doing some prenatal yoga workouts from you tube or something because I’ve been so sore lately! I will watch the comments for tips. Thanks and good luck!!

  21. Try fit4mom! I bet there’s a location near you. You workout with your baby in stroller and they even have classes for just pregnant mommas called fit4baby. It changed my life when I had my two boys and now daughter. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Youre carrying life and that in-itself is work!!

  22. When you have little kids it is so hard to go to the gym! I don’t think I worked out at all when my kids were both little. Now one is in school full day and the other goes to preschool. I tried to get up and go at 6 AM two times a week so that I am sure to get it in. I find that if I put off working out until later in the day it just doesn’t happen.

    My favorite thing to do is Pilates. In general I don’t enjoy working out but Pilates I do love. And I have seen lots of improvement in my strength and the overall look of my body which keeps me motivated.

    The fact that you go on walks every single day is such a good thing! That alone is a great work out that is kind to your body and still so good for you. And once you have baby number two he or she can come along!

  23. Hi Ali! I am not a hardcore workout person – I just don’t enjoy it. I found Yoga with Adriene on youtube and fell in love! She is goofy and encouraging and really helps me connect with my body – and I can do it all from home! I’m not pregnant or a mom but I searched around her channel and it looks like she has some prenatal videos as well. It’s all free!

  24. Hi Ali,
    I’m a pregnant momma of a toddler as well (we actually have the same due date!!) and I was feeling super dizzy and lightheaded throughout my entire first trimester and still from time to time. My doctor recommended upping my protein intake in addition to drinking more water. Since doing so I’ve felt soooo much better!! Just a suggestion since you seem to be experiencing the same thing, must be a May baby symptom : ) Hope it helps!!!

  25. I am not a mom but I am an avid Barry’s bootcamper… you should follow Nancy Anderson! She is a trainer and just had her second baby. Shes a badass! She has nutrition plans and all sorts of stuff for everyone, including moms and breastfeeding! Her instagram is @nancyandersonfit

  26. Try Sarah Beth Yoga’s prenatal videos! Search on YouTube and then she has an app you can find.

    I did her prenatal videos through my first pregnancy starting at about 16 weeks thru the end and it was AMAZING. They’re 15-60 minutes long depending on how much time you have and some focus specifically on exercises to gain strength for labor. I credit her videos for me feeling strong and fit through my pregnancy and I think they definitely helped me be able to get through labor without pain meds. I hope you try it, and thanks for your honest post!

  27. The struggle is real! Before and during my first pregnancy, I worked out 4-5 days a week, right up until about 36 weeks. After I had my daughter, I felt like I didn’t have the time or energy but when she was 10 months old I gave myself a kick in the pants and signed up for a 10 mile race that was 5 months away even though I had never run farther than 5 miles in my life. Getting back in shape was HARD but I want to be strong and healthy for my daughter. I finished the race without walking and even beat my goal time.

    With my second pregnancy, I broke a toe 3 days after I found out I was pregnant and really couldn’t work out at all. I feel like I started off on a bad note and just haven’t been able to get into a consistent routine since my foot healed. When I do work out, I usually do T-25 videos at home. They have low impact modifications for every exercise so I follow the modifications if I feel like I shouldn’t be doing the normal exercise. I was running for a while but after about the 18 week mark, the pressure on my bladder made running unenjoyable.

  28. I know Jillian Michaels has a book devoted to exercise during and post pregnancy (I can’t remember if she has a DVD too), and she also has a whole section for mommas on her new app.

  29. You look great! When I was pregnant I stopped working out altogether! I was pretty fit and in shape before baby so I thought I would take a break. Then I learned I had destational diabetes and so I was forced to diet and exercise! It was hard to have to do that during a time in my life where I just wanted to eat whatever and take it easy but the silver lining was I bounced back really quickly and once my daughter was born the diabetes went away so I could eat carbs again (which I was so thankful for since while I breastfed that’s all I wanted!!) The best thing I did was walk all the time. I had to in order to control my blood sugar so I would walk around the block after every meal, walk to work instead of take a subway, walk home from work, walk around my living room on freezing days (my daughter was born in February and I live in Canada) and I swear the walking didn’t just help me stay in shape, it helped with labour because she was so low by the time I was ordered to push that it only took three pushes and she was out! So my only tip is keep doing what you’re doing!! Walking works.

  30. Hi Ali! I am 32 weeks with baby #4 and have made it a priority to stay active and healthy this time around. I’ve always walked through my pregnancies as much as I could (that alone helps a ton!) and taken a prenatal yoga class. This time I’ve been jogging/walking on the treadmill 3 times a week for 30 min and doing a prenatal Pilates dvd 1-2 times a week. The Pilates DVD is called 10 Minute Solutions Prenatal Pilates and I really like it. It’s broken into 10 min segments each targeting different areas of the body and you can mix and match them to make your own workout. I usually do 3 at a time to get 30 min but if you are short on time or energy you could just do one and still feel good 😊 You can find it on amazon and I highly recommend it!

  31. The pool! Plenty of low impact exercises to do in the pool while you are pregnant. I wouldn’t start water aerobics now, but there are lots of exercises for flexibility and strength you can do.

  32. Beachbody on demand has a series of pregnancy workouts that are great and you can do them from home! I did them when I was pregnant and they helped me feel stronger leading up to delivery.

  33. I really liked 10 minute solution: prenatal Pilates. It’s a dvd or you can get it on Amazon instant video. It’s broken out into 5 it 6 sections. Each one is only 10 minutes long and targets a different part of your body. I found I would make the time for 1 section since it was only 10 minutes long and then I would usually do at least 2. But with baby number 2, I definitely didn’t do it as much. I just had less time! But I felt good if I did it once or twice a week.

  34. Check out FIT4MOM! It’s a fitness organization for moms by moms. There are programs for all stages of motherhood, including prenatal! All of the instructors are certified and incredibly knowledgeable. FIT4MOM was founded in California and now there are locations all around the country. I’ve been attending since my oldest was 6 months old (he’s now 6!) and attended classes all through my pregnancy for my second child. It’s so much more than a workout group, too. It’s an amazing way to meet other moms, plus there are tons of playgroups and activities planned for your kids. There truly is no other program like it. (I love FIT4MOM, in case you couldn’t tell… 🙂 ) You can search on their website for locations near you! Definitely check it out!

  35. Sorry if others have said this. I didn’t read all of the comments.
    I did Tracy Anderson’s pregnancy project DVD’s. They were awesome and challenging and prepped my body so well for the big day. I was able to get through my 3 days of labor without much soreness (other than the obvious soreness) in my muscles and I’ve been able to get back in shape a little easier I think. I have also used them afterwards to help get back in shape bc they are good strengthening of the core without doing crunches, etc.

  36. I got a Peleton bike after I had my baby and I LOVE it – 100% worth it. I do the 30 minute classes a few times a week (they have 60, 45, 30, 20, 10, 5 so you can do what you feel in shape for), as well as some yoga and stretching classes that you do with an iPad or TV. It’s amazing because it’s tucked in the corner of my bedroom and so just passing by reminds me to carve out time to do it. And, not leaving the house helps my motivation. Plus, 30 mins goes by so quickly! Even better – it’s already paid for itself in 6 months if I add up how much money I would have spent going to Soul Cycle or similar classes.

    1. I second the Peloton. It might be the best purchase I’ve ever made. It’s so easy to hop on for a quick workout before my son wakes up in the morning. The instructors are awesome and there is such a wide range of classes you can tailor it to whatever you need at a particular time.

    2. I third the Peloton. Having the bike in my house makes it worth it for me. I can hop on the bike on my schedule and it’s so quiet that you can do it while your kids nap.

  37. Check out if there is a Fit4Mom franchise near you? They offer stroller strides classes (you can bring your kids!) and Fit4Baby prenatal classes. I never worked out during my first pregnancy (or before), but when my first was about a year I decided it was time to do something. I joined stroller strides and really loved it. Made me feel great and I also loved that I could bring my son. Especially because I worked full time, I hated taking an hour out of my weekend without him. I’m now pregnant with #3 and am much more active than I’ve ever been. I really found my motivation and fitness confidence through this group and so glad I did! Not to mention it’s all other supportive moms who can relate to each other, so I’ve formed some amazing friendships. I feel like an advertisement (I’m really not lol), just found it really helped me and I love their mission.

  38. Walking is so refreshing!! Great way to get exercise and feel renewed! So have you heard of Expecting and Empowered? It’s a comprehensive pregnancy workout guide taking you from week 4 to 40 focusing on pelvic floor, strength training, and flexibility. It was launched this year by two sisters and recently showcased on Motherhood Maternity blog! You can find awesome info through their website or their Instagram! I’m SO excited to do this guide for my second pregnancy! Cheers! 😄

  39. I am 27 weeks today with my first pregnancy and am very thankful that I’ve felt well enough to continue running (slower and shorter distances). I live in indiana though and the cold weather doesn’t always allow me to get outside. I often just search prenatal workouts on YouTube and do those at home. Body fit by Amy is great as well as several others. Congrats on your second baby! It’s obvious that you are a great mom. 🙂

  40. Hi Ali,congrats on your pregnancy. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was pregnant when you were prego with Molly and now I’m pregnant again too! I had messaged you before about nursing, and how inspired i was by you because you were still able to be yourself- although a lot of things change as a mom, I know you worked hard at trying to not lose yourself! I honor that about you.

    I wanted to let you know that i am also working super hard to stay healthy this pregnancy. I’ve signed up for a program that I can do right from home in under 30minutes a day. Im also working with a trained professional who contacts me and holds me accountable everyday! I’d love to get you started on that too if you’d like to join me! Gyms do not work for me and classes are too hard to get too with a little one!

    I haven’t announced my pregnancy to family and friends yet but when I do I Am going to be posting a lot about my Journey. I wish more women would!

  41. I feel ya! I have a 3 year old and currently 26 weeks pregnant. I’ve always been very active, but it has been difficult to maintain during this pregnancy! My favorite right now is the Fit + Sleek Pregnancy Physique with Leah Sarago DVD. I purchased on Amazon based on the great reviews… there’s a 5 min warmup, five 15 minute workout segments and a 15 min stretching segment. It is easy to do one or sometimes two workout segments and stretch. She gives modification suggestions if you need them.

  42. I’m 8 weeks pregnant now with a 14 month old daughter. I totally agree with what you’re saying, I feel like my body never completely got its strength back from before I was pregnant with my daughter. Ive made a promise to myself to try and be healthy this pregnancy. Last time I ended up with gestational diabetes which means I probably will again this time. So I am trying to get a head start on the clean nutrition and lights exercise to keep that in check. I saw a few people mention Beachbody, I’ve started the 21 Day Fix because I am still feeling like I have ok energy levels, but I am following the modifier to keep it low impact. They also have prenatal workouts with the creator of 21 Day Fix as well as prenatal yoga. I am going to check those ones out soon! You can stream it all from your house which is so convenient when you have a toddler at home too! Here’s to us for bettering ourselves and working in the best interest of our babies.

  43. I recommend doing a pregnant Whole30! Check out their program- Health Mama Happy Baby- for maternity specific program.

  44. Once I had my daughter I realized getting to a gym was not realistic with our schedules. I have gotten all sorts of different videos, follow some great folks online for variety and have some light weights and equipment to workout in my garage (hello convenience). Bonus… my little girl loves to play outside when I am working out!

  45. I LOVE Beachbody On Demand…there’s so many programs to choose from and they have prenatal workouts too. You can stream the workouts from your phone, computer, TV, etc. so it’s super easy to get it done at home. They even have family workouts that you can include Molly in. I’m 35 weeks pregnant myself with my third and I’ve used it throughout my last pregnancy and this one (and to get in shape post-baby too)! Good luck with your pregnancy and you look great!

  46. Hey girlie. While I was pregnant with my son I did a lot of swimming. I tried to at least do 30 laps. Swimming is so good for our bodies and being pregnant you feel so heavy. I really liked how swimming made me feel lighter. I don’t know if you have a gym membership with kids care too for Molly; but swimming may help ❤️ I’m also reading all the comments for myself. We are hoping for baby number two soon. So I’ll need some advise on keeping in shape 💪🏼😘

  47. I’m a youtube girl! Body fit by Amy on YouTube has great doable 20-40 minute at home workouts! I just go to YouTube and search prenatal workout…. and I find ones I really like and stick to a few of them a week. I have a 14 month old and am pregnant again, so I get it done during his nap time and still have time to get a shower in before he wakes up! Motivation is hard though! Good luck!!!

  48. Loved this! My son is 18 months and I am 20 weeks with our 2nd! I have being feeling so blaah lately and just feel so much bigger the 2nd time around! It has been so discouraging!

    Do you feel like you are gaining weight faster the 2nd time? Any tips on what you eat to stay on track? I try to walk/workout regularly but could be a little healthier with my eating! I also feel like I felt more nauseous in the beginning so I ate a lot of carbs!

  49. You’re blogs always intrigue me & you’re doing great!
    Drinking lots of water & walking is my favourite exercise.
    Walking has been helping me (& lowers my stress level, too)
    even with the 20 below brrrrrr weather. ha
    Go, Ali

  50. Yes! Good for you for your openness. Minus the pregnancy, I have the same situation. I’m naturally thin but oh so out of shape – “skinny fat”. Hubby hates how many potato chips I consume and won’t even buy them for me anymore. “How are you still alive?” – actual quote after he watched me down a large bag of Ruffles. He’s always trying to get me more active and even bought us kayaks, so the dogs could come, too. (Spoiler alert – I went once). Don’t get me wrong – I am very grateful for the great metabolism, but it also makes it more difficult to have an a-ha moment that tells me it’s gym time. I never feel that push, despite being winded going up stairs. My scale says I’m fine so I must be killin’ it… right? Wrong. I’m definitely going to follow your journey on this. Now I just need to find my motivation. If only they sold it on Amazon.

  51. Totally understand what you’re going through! I’ve equally found it difficult to get any regular exercise during my 2nd pregnancy. My best success has been to take my toddler to the gym where they have a day care (“kids club”). My daughter LOVES it there and I get 2 hours to take a class/workout and shower. Sometimes all I have energy for is walking on the dreadmill 😉 but at least its movement. On a good day, I love spinning classes b/c you can go at your own pace and yet still get your sweat on!

  52. The lotus method!!! A girl I went to High school with started it. She has several studios she opened in California. I’m from Oregon so I don’t know if any are near you, but look them up!

  53. Hi Ali-
    I love seeing all of your posts and reading your blog. You are so real and down to earth – I love it!!! 😍

    Here are some suggestions for your pregnancy fitness. First off, the cookbook – “The Whole 9 Months” is AMAZING!

    Here are 2 pregnancy fitness apps. The first one is Pregnacise. I personally haven’t used this one but have heard good things about it. The other app is called, “Simple Pregnancy Exercises” – there are TONS of videos on this one and it’s FREE!

    Hope this helps! ❤️

  54. I love SarahBeth prenatal yoga on YouTube. It’s free, short, and you can do it at home. She also has postnatal videos that I’ve been doing since having my baby in June.

  55. I did the tracy anderson method for pregnancy with my first and loved it. It’s videos so you can do it at home and it changes monthly to accommodate your changing body. I was in phenomenal shape when I gave birth!! I don’t like her workouts non pregnancy either, I’m a beachbody fan!! It uses light weights so it’s not a huge investment, I would absolutely recommend!

    Good luck!

  56. Tone it up has great at home workouts, varying in length and intensity so you can fit them into your daily schedule!

    1. I do Tone It Up as well and love it! They have some free workouts on their website and they also have an app with TONS of workouts with lots of different trainers! I’m not pregnant (yet) but I plan on continuing my current workout regimen when I do have babies because they have a lot of modifications you can make!!

      1. I do Tone it up too! The best part is the community of other mommas and expecting mommas to talk to about everything with. They are great workouts, healthy nutrition plans, and an amazing community of supportive women.

  57. Literally having the same feelings as you posted this earlier! I’m just about into my second trimester with my second pregnancy. I was SO active my first pregnancy and have barely worked out since having my daughter. It’s so hard the second time around but I’ve been doing a boot camp 2x a week that isn’t too high impact so it is safe and walking as much as possible. Good luck to you!

  58. I’ve tried many things the others recommended here (Tracy Anderson dvd’s, Pure Barre, yoga) while pregnant but was only able to stick with two things right up to the end of my pregnancy: walking and swimming. Walking is great for the whole family, but I would swim 3x per week, especially once I was super pregnant as it wasn’t hard on my joints. Some days it was more of a float, but you move every muscle and your knees and hips get a break.

  59. I want to throw out a slightly different perspective that I know isn’t common in society today. Healthy doesn’t mean the gym or “eating right”. Healthy isn’t a size, certain BMI, or way you look. I wholeheartedly believe that health can be how we feel, so I’m glad you are personally basing this because you feel fatigued. I’m glad you’re wanting to take care of yourself, but gyms aren’t the only way of gaining a sense of health! I stay healthy by cleaning my house and walking my dog. I think a lot of women (and men too) have bad relationships with their bodies and the definition of health, and I believe it’s important to share a more “body positive” and neutral perspective. 💗 sending much love 💗

  60. There’s an app by Johnson & Johnson called 7 minute wellness for moms. It has some mindfulness activities as well as an exercise section which inputs your activity level pre-pregnancy and how you are feeling currently to create a video to follow along so all the exercises are pregnancy safe. It’s great for lift exercises on days you don’t feel great or harder exercises when you’re feeling up to it. Good luck!

  61. Hey Ali,
    Love your blog! It’s so real and relatable. Walking is the best way to stay active and fit especially when you’re pregnant. Have you ever thought about getting a treadmill desk? Even if you just do a few hours a day when Molly naps or someone’s watching her, you can easily get in 10k steps a day MINIMUM. I am a work at home mom to a 16 month old and even when I have no childcare I average 12k steps per day with his naps. The one I have is the Lifespan TR1200.

    I definitely will be following your fitness journey and your pregnancy. Congrats on baby #2!

  62. First of all good job on all the things you are already doing. They are awesome. I would suggest adding little things to the day like squats, I have a spin bike so I rode it till my kids were born, triceps dips are easy during pregnancy. Heidi Powell actually had a really get pregnancy workout on her website as well. Once the baby arrives and you want to get back to working out I honestly suggest you check out Beachbody. They have tons of programs and for a mom with small kids they were my saving grace for a few years. I don’t sell it but I have used half a dozen of the programs and they are honestly great. T25 would be my suggestion for starting out. They also have movement modifiers. The workouts are only 25 minutes. Or try The Transform App. It’s by Chris and Heidi Powell and I actually use it even now. It helps you with meals and workouts. Either way you can make that work!!!! My kids are older (8 and 4) so I’m back in the gym and boxing and spinning and running but i remember when they were little. It was hard. Don’t sell yourself short.

  63. Hey Alli! I’m not great at working out right now with my 15 month old. When I get home from work I have such little time with him, all I do is play with him, grab a show with my hubby then it’s beftime so I get it. However, prep for labor (especially since I do nonmedicated births) was so important to me! So I went to a pelvic floor physical therapist and got my body evaluated. Strong points and weaker areas critical to strengthen for a smooth vaginal delivery. I went back monthly to check my progress and it worked so well! The exercises she gave me took about 20 minutes per night, I did them after I put my son to bed and then would head down to watch my show with hubby. There’s something about exercises made specifically for your body and your birth that REALLY motivated me! I mean I was super dedicated, never missing a night!!! I’m 6 weeks now (we just found out) and I’m getting back on my regimen and I’m already feeling stronger 3 days in! But going to a gym or a class, forget it! Hope this helps! I feel like it’s just what you need!

  64. Can you Swim? I Swan my entire pregnancy especially second and third trimester – its feels soo good and was actually a good workout. I even swam 50 laps the day before i gave birth! ha Also i walked my dog everyday – which i know you are doing – and included hills as much as i could! good luck

  65. I lifted weights in workout classes throughout my pregnancy and I thought it made a huge difference through labor and my recovery after. I thought it also helped with my overall balance and carrying around the extra weight :).

    I also follow Tone It Up. It’s a great community of women, the trainers are super inspiring and they have an app where you can get the daily moves, which you can do in your own home.

    You’re so lucky to live somewhere you can walk outside all winter. I certainly miss my daily walks in frozen Minnesota 🙂

    Thanks for your honest posts! Love your blog!

  66. Thanks for addressing ‘looking’ healthy and ‘being’ healthy. I have always struggled with that bc people think bc I’m skinny I’m healthy, but I don’t eat healthy or exercise. Since having my son a year ago, I have struggled with thinking I should go right back to how it was before, but I have started to get there, but really need to get on the healthy track now.

  67. I’m a big fan of Beach Body on Demand because I can workout anywhere with the app on my phone! I did various programs up until week 35 if my pregnancy 3-4 times a week. They have prenatal workouts on there as well and a lot are only 30 mins which is great when you have a little one. I did 21 Day Fix when i was cleared at the 6 week mark and it was perfect and only 30 mins, with the exception of the ab exercises you could do all the other moves!

  68. I’ve seen a few people recommend Barre3 and could not agree more! Although I’ve never been pregnant myself I see tons of amazing pregnant ladies coming to class until they are about to pop :). It’s really low impact and they offer tons of modifications if something isn’t feeling quite right for you. If you don’t have a studio where you live then the online subscription is fantastic too. I’ve been doing this workout for years and have never felt stronger, head to toe.

    Another idea, do crunches or something like that during commercial breaks when watching TV :).

  69. Hi Ali…congrats on Baby #2! As an older fan of yours, I want to remind all the women out there that one of the most important things to stay healthy is to remember to work out with weights for your bones to stay strong. I am having a love:hate relationship with Body Pump at 25 hour Fitness. Whatever class works for you, working out with weights is so important. My bone density has improved with a weight class! Keep walking and hug your sweet babies! ❤🌈❤

  70. Toothbrush squats! Try to do some squats as you’re brushing your teeth… it’s two minutes more than zero of activity! And don’t discount running after your toddler 🙂

    In my experience, I was also way less fit for my second pregnancy but my body knew what to do when labour and delivery time came around. The recovery was way easier and faster than the rough first time. I hope your experience will be the same! All the best to you and your growing family!

  71. Thank you so much!!! This post really hits home for me.
    My little guy is 15 months and I had such a tough delivery with him…and gained far more weight than I would like to admit. I never realized how out of shape I was before and it has made it so hard to drop – like you I NEVER went to the gym. Never liked it or has the desire I have to say I have been going to spin multiple times a week and feel so much better about myself. I wanted to be happier and healthier so I was a better momma!
    I am hoping to get pregnant soon with our second and hope to continue throughout if I can. It’s not something you would want to start in the middle of pregnancy but after.
    Keep doing what you’re doing…I agree the walks are great.
    Let’s face it…it’s hard doing anything at times so I think being present as a mom is #1. 💕💕.

  72. I’m 20 weeks with baby two and I keep 5 and 8 lbs weights under my coffee table and do lunges, squats, push ups etc in sets of 12-15 while watching tv at night since I haven’t been good about doing routine videos 4 days per week like i did with my first. I feel like Plié squats each day really helped my labor with baby 1 go well but I also had a strong core the first time around. But I find just doing moves on commercial break can be enough to make my legs sore the next day!

  73. I just had my first on 1/10/18! Now navigating parenthood which is why I’m reading your blog at 2am with a fussy baby who requires me at all times for most of the night! My concern during pregnancy was to stay as fit as possible for the health benefits to my baby and myself. I am a physical therapist which makes me want to be even more diligent about my exercise routine. I’ve never been a gym person and usually run and do HIIT workouts at home with Tone It Up. While pregnant my body did not agree with running but I made a point to walk as much as possible with my husband and dogs or solo even. I always felt best if I got a 30 min light to moderate walk- I had less swelling and much more energy. I just made the investment in an inexpensive treadmill so I can continue post-partum. The other thing I did once HIIT was too difficult was switched to Suzanne Bowen’s barre dvd for pregnancy. I was never a big fan of barre but the smaller movements were much more doable for the pregnancy bod and significantly helped my SI joint pains. The most important thing for me was prioritizing exercise while listening to my bodies needs in terms of exercise and I think it significantly helped. I hope your health only improves from here!

  74. 28 days by Sam Wood. He was the Australian Bachelor! People from around the world have started using his program because it’s so great and realistic – nothing over the top like a lot of the other weight loss sites out there.

    It has recipes / meal plans, workout videos and a whole lot more – I honestly cannot recomend it highly enough. It’s also very affordable, you can do the 28 minute workout on your lounge room floor, and it has a pregnancy program so you know everything is safe.

  75. I started working out regularly after my second baby turned one. I did Jillian Michaels shred at first and then found barre3.com and was so happy when a studio opened near me!! I was able to continue barre3 during my third pregnancy and fit into my jeans when he was four days old (with some muffin but they zipped!!) There are two studios in Orange County and One in SANTA Barbara but you can also do them from home! My last pregnancy was my healthiest and I continue to do barre today!!

  76. I would highly recommend barre classes! Many people think you need to have a dance background to take and enjoy barre, but you really don’t. I have found every studio is different with some incorporating more ballet-inspired barre work, others incorporating more pilates. Regardless, you don’t need dance background to enjoy these classes! They are low impact, and great for any level. I’ve been consistently doing barre classes and absolutely love them. Many classes are safe for pregnant women and they make a big effort to focus on alignment to prevent injuries. I would highly recommend!

  77. The best thing you can do for yourself is to walk every day. Get a jogging stroller and walk with Molly. It builds your leg muscles and core. Builds your endurance, cardio and lungs. Work up to 30 minutes per day.

  78. “Fit4Mom” is an amazing group that provides fitness workout classes where you can bring your child With you! (typically in a jogger friendly stroller). They are challenging classes that incorporates interval cardio with core strengthening…but can be modified for any level (especially if pregnant!). They have groups all throughout the country in major cities. This group of moms in my city has been one of the most accepting and inviting groups I have neen to- just very welcoming and nonjudgmental! I highly recommend trying! My daughter and I love the classes so much. I love that i can Get a good workout in all while spending time with me little one and allowing her to see early on the importance of being active & healthy!

  79. Wow! What an incredible thing you’re doing for your baby and body! I can tell you first hand that the difference between childbirth for my first and childbirth for my second child were crazy. Recovery too – woof! With my first, I gained about 30 lbs and did yoga and walking pretty regularly. With my second, however, I was a little more focused and HOLY COW did it pay off! I had an amazing birth story and quite literally didn’t break a sweat – but I did have an epidural lol. Recovery was much easier too and the pounds seemed to fall off. I was shocked.

    In my second pregnancy, I started gaining more rapidly than with the first pregnancy and became more motivated to focus on being healthy. I’m 5’7” and although my height allows me to hide a few extra lbs – my average before pregnancy was around 140-145. It was my 31st birthday and and I was 21 weeks along – “better late than never” I thought. From there on I did a ton of research on various YouTube videos for Prenatal fitness. It needed to be quick, free and something I didn’t dread everyday. That’s where I found The Balanced Life Prenatal Pilates. For the duration of my pregnancy and even after, I led a daily fitness accountability post on my mommy Facebook group of which I was a member. What I loved most about the workouts is that they could all be done from the comfort of my own home and at whatever time was convenient for me – even if I was still in my jammies – makeup still smeared under my eyes lol. With those long lean muscles, it was easier to keep the weight gain in check and my energy up!!

    Now that I’m 19 weeks pregnant with my 3rd, I’ve joined an accountability group organized by The Balanced Life called The Sisterhood. Robin is wonderful and even has a collection of longer Prenatal Pilates videos that I adore.

    Anyhoo, I’m rambling so here is a short YouTube playlist of some of my favorite Prenatal workout videos and also a link to the Sisterhood.

    Prenatal Workouts Playlist:

    The Sisterhood:

  80. Hi Ali!

    I’m a law student, and while not a mama yet (!), I understand the struggle that can come with fitting workouts into your schedule.

    I love resistance bands! You can do so much with them. After meeting a trainer a couple times I became pretty adept at using them and can do so in my own house! A great study break, to say the least. So, in other words, very molly friendly as well 🙂

    I also find that Pilates was great when I was trying to get strong and hadn’t been to the gym in awhile. It leaves you feeling toned and strong and centered and it is also low impact! A prefect way to mix up the yoga, perhaps?

    Thank you for all that you do. I love your honesty about these topics that women don’t talk nearly enough about x


  81. I love to do quick 20 minute workout videos on YouTube every morning! I just put in the search engine what I want to workout that day and pick my video based on the amount of views! There is always ways to modify moves as well! As long as you are moving , you are getting a good exercise in!

  82. Hi Ali!
    Great tips! I try to hit the 5 Days a week and mostly in the mornings. Some days i do really intense workouts other days i just walk on the treadmill. I say do whatever works good for you and makes you feel healthy

  83. Ali, if you do not have serious chronic medical conditions, you are healthy!! Also, you are at a healthy BMI. In your insta comments you said your prepregnancy weight is 140-145. If you are 5’7” that’s a BMI of 22 And change. BMI 19-25 is healthy, above 25 overweight, above 30 obese, above 40 morbidly obese. “Ideal” BMI is 21 so that’s basically where you were at. I don’t know about Hollywood, but if you were my patient I would tell you that your weight is perfect! (I am an MD and internist). It is great that you are making exercise a priority, as it has so many benefits including weight maintenance and keeping a healthy pregnancy weight (healthy gain is around 30 lbs), cardiovascular benefits, bone benefits, musculoskeletal benefits. I get that what you are saying is that you are not a “fitness freak,” and that you feel that you could be in better physical shape in terms of being able to do more. I get it, I am at a BMI of 23 but my running tolerance has never been great. But you are thin, and you are healthy!!!

  84. Ali,
    Congrats on baby #2! Dizziness was also a huge problem for me with both of my pregnancies (I have a 4 yr old and a 1yr old). My second pregnancy was the worst…with extreme dizziness all of the time (especially in the morning…I had to lay down A LOT). I was told to drink more water…which never really seemed to make a difference.

    I’ve always been occasionally light headed (have low blood pressure most of the time), and recently became very dizzy again (and I’m NOT pregnant) with additional symptoms of my heart “beating”/ringing in my ear a lot. So I’m being tested now for Menier’s Disease (which is an inner ear disorder). Hormonal changes and any extra fluid can affect your inner ear and throw things off…making you feel dizzy. Symptoms can come and go. I was given water pills and have been told to keep a low sodium diet to help manage the disease.

    Not sure what is recommended for Menier’s Disease during pregnancy though. I hope to discuss the topic with my doctor at my next appointment…in case God ever blesses us again with a third child.

    Menier’s Disease could possibly be an explanation for my extreme dizziness throughout my pregnancies and after. I was induced with my first (had an IV pumping me with fluids for awhile) and could hardly stand without getting dizzy/fainting for two days after I delivered (I always thought there was more wrong with me than just anemic symptoms from loss of blood). My second child came naturally…so no extra fluids via IV…and I felt so much better after (besides the usual pain after giving birth 😉).

    The thought of being so dizzy through a pregnancy again with two other children relying on me scares me. Please let us know what you find out at the cardiologist…my heart not connecting right with my brain was always on the back of my mind before I ever was educated on Menier’s Disease.
    Best wishes!

  85. Try a barre class. There’s always a few expecting moms in my classes and they can modify the workouts for you!

  86. Hi Ali,

    We are Expecting and Empowered and we would love to send you a copy of our pregnancy exercise guide to help you on your journey! It is made for busy mamas, you can do it at home with minimal equipment.

    We have seen that you have experienced sacroiliac pain, our guide has exercises to help reduce that during pregnancy! We would love to help make you more comfortable this time around.

    Our website is: expectingandempowered.com

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  87. I completely sympathize! 2 young boys and working 3days/ week it seems impossible some days…..but the online program 28bysamwood is great, and time efficient! It has a pregnancy option / low impact and Sam ( the bachelor in Australia) posts a different 28minute workout 5 days/week. His fiancé just had a baby so he gets it 😉

  88. Hi Ali!
    When I was pregnant with my first last year at this time, we joined the Y. I did a water aerobics class that was super easy(like it was me and grandmas!), 2-3 mornings a week, and then 2-3 other days I walked at a pretty slow pace for 30 minutes on the treadmill and then did strength training with 10 lb dumbbells and my own weight-squats, leg lifts, and just took lots of stretching and water breaks. I basically tried to not sweat because I hadn’t really been a working out fiend when I got pregnant.
    Love following your story and life!!

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