Happy Bachelor 2018 everybody! Thanks so much for coming over to my Bachelor blog. I will be writing about the show all season long, so on Tuesday mornings, grab your coffee and head on over to my blog to read my thoughts each week. And I am so so so excited for this season! I feel like it’s been so long since Rachel’s season and I’ve needed my (Bachelor) fix! Yes, I am a Bachelor addict. Hello, my name is Ali Manno and I am a Bachelor-holic. So let’s get right into last night’s episode!

The two main things that stood out to me last night were that there are so many drop dead gorgeous girls the season! And it looks like there’s a handful of really young girls too. The youngest girls are 23. I almost feel like that was on purpose by the producers because if they had been 22 that would mean that they were only 17 years old (aka underage) when Arie was on Emily’s season. But even though the 23 year old women were 18 (legal to date him) when they watched him on Emily’s season, it would have felt weird and wrong if they dated him back then since he was 31. Right? I just think 23 is too young for him. Age can be just a number, but when it’s that big of an age difference at the specific times in your lives, there’s just a huge maturity difference. I honestly considered myself very mature for my age when I was younger. In fact, not a lot of people know this about me but I actually first moved out of my mom’s house when I was just 15 years old. That’s right, I’ve lived on my own/outside my parents house since I was 15. However, even though I think I was a little more mature for my age in my early 20’s, there is no way I was mentally on the same page as a 36-year-old man. You think you are, but looking back now, I know I wasn’t. Are there exceptions to this? Of course. But generally speaking, a 23-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man aren’t on the same page in terms of where they are in life.
It’s nearly impossible to recap the whole episode, so I’ll just comment on some of the girls and moments that stood out to me. So far these are the girls that I either like or they left an impression on me.

She’s the somewhat quirky gal from Los Angeles that loves taxidermy. I don’t think there’s a great chance that she’ll end up with Arie but I just find her super interesting. I think she’s going to make us laugh throughout the season and I’m really pumped that she’s on the show.

The girl who brought Arie the Elephant cuff links! I just thought she was super stunning from the moment she stepped out of the limo. And more importantly in my mind, she’s extremely articulate and just seems like a solid woman. I really hope we see a lot of her the season! I think we will.

Of course she’s friends with Raven, she basically is the Raven of the season! And I absolutely loved Raven on the show so I’m excited to see Tia on this season. And how hilarious was her gift for Arie?! I think the exchange between them felt a little awkward but it had me laughing out loud watching it. And I love that she never even cracked a smile or laughed during it. I think it just shows that she has a really good sense of humor. It felt like a joke the Raven would have made last season. I think she’ll be around for a good while. That is unless, Arie is a bit lacking in the “wiener” department. I’m not even joking! If for some reason he is, that joke would make him feel super uncomfortable and awkward around her from this point forward. So I guess we’ll find out! Ha!

Annaliese + Becca
I’m grouping these two together because they seemed to have real intimate moments with Arie and I feel like there’s real potential for both of them. And the main reason they’re on my list of people to watch is that the “lovey-dovey” music was playing when he talked to them. I always feel like the people they want you to think there’s a connection with off the bat get that lovey-dovey music.

Bekah with Short Hair (Not Becky with the good hair. Ha!)
I’m not sure if I’m spelling either Becca’s name the way they spell it. But I’ll figure it out eventually. Anyway, the way I’m differentiating between the two is that one of the Becca’s has long hair and the other one has short hair. I’ve got to make it easy on myself. Ha! I’m sure that’s how Arie talked about them throughout the season with the producers. Anyway, short-haired Becca immediately stood out to me when I watched the tease for the season a few weeks ago. But after watching the first episode I’m really not sure what to think of her. It seemed like she was egging on some of the gossip and drama with the girls. And I’m not saying that makes her a terrible person or anything. In that situation you say and do things that you maybe wouldn’t normally do in real life. And then when she was talking to Arie during their one on one time, something about it just felt very fake to me. Almost like she was an actress acting. What did you guys think about her? I’d love to know! Oh and did you guys notice that her age is NOT listed on the ABC website? I wonder if she is younger than 23?! I’m guessing she is. Oh man. I know her age is a story line this season.

I really don’t know what to think about Krystal at this point. I truly feel that deep down she’s a really good person and very caring, however, I have a feeling she’s gonna rub a lot of people the wrong way. It’s almost like she’s too sweet that she can’t possibly be that way all the time. She kind of reminds me of Britt from Chris Soule’s season. Do you guys remember Britt? She was the one who went up against Kaitlyn Bristowe for the Bachelorette one season. It was the very first season of the Bachelorette where they started with two Bachelorettes and let the guys choose. Anyway, I’m so curious to know what you guys think of Krystal. This is one girl we definitely need to discuss in the comments below!

Chelsea is obviously the villain of the season so far. It will be interesting to see how she gets along with the girls throughout the rest of the season. And I have to say is that I was pretty shocked at that passionate kiss between her and Arie right off the bat. I can’t even put my finger on why it was so shocking to me, I guess I just don’t see them together and that kiss seemed SO intimate. But I think we’ll be seeing a lot of Arie kissing the season. The way he kisses is passionate in general. I think I’m gonna have a hard time watching him kiss every girl that way. Just because when he kissed Emily like that on her season, I remember thinking that it was full of love and that’s why it was so passionate. Not that we know he just kisses like that in general, I guess it kind of loses some of its meaning to me. If that makes sense at all. I kind of feel dumb even saying all of that. Why should Arie kissing other girls mean anything to me at all?! Ha! I guess that’s why we all love the show so much. We feel super invested in his love story. And in the end, she got the first impression rose. Historically on the show, the girl that gets the first impression rose stays for a very long time. Will Chelsea? I’m not so sure. I feel like the show is setting her up to be a villain and usually the villains don’t last to the top floor. With some exceptions of course. I believe there have been two girls that I can remember that were made out to be the villains on their season and ended up winning in the end. So maybe that’s the case this season too. We shall see.
I want to end this by saying that if feels really weird for me to sit here and talk about and pick apart so many of these girls. I try to keep everything I say generally positive and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but it must be the mother in me that feels bad even saying anything remotely negative about anyone on the show. I would hate to think that maybe one of the girls would read this blog and feel bad about something I said. It’s so crazy because when I used to write these blogs before I became a mother of a daughter, I used to speak a lot more freely about how I felt about the contestants. And I still try to speak as honestly as possible now, I’m just a little softer in my delivery since all of these girls on the show are real people and have feelings. So let’s all keep that in mind as we watch the rest of the season especially if you’re voicing your opinions of them on the internet. I remember back when I was on the show I used to read comments on articles about me and feel really sad when people would say bad things about me. So let’s just keep in mind that these are young girls with real feelings and try to be kind to them.
Hope you guys enjoyed my thoughts on the show last night. Now I wanna hear YOURS! Let’s discuss the show in the comment s below. I will also be live tweeting and doing live insta stories during the show each week so make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Can’t wait for next week!
Until next time…
P.S. While you are here, check out my blog post about my New Years resolutions this year!
And for anyone wondering about the dresses, here are a few that the girls were wearing last night…
Chelsea’s Dress –
Sienne’s Dress-
Very Similar to Krystal’s Red Dress –
Very Similar to Marquel’s Blue Halter Dress –
Hi Ali! I’ve been watching the Bachelor(ette) since your season and have been following along with your life and blog ever since! I’m a huge fan! You’re smart to listen for the “lovey dovey” music because I always forget to and don’t pick up on it! However, I did read somewhere that the first and last girl they show coming out of the limos usually make it pretty far and first out was Caroline and last out was Maquel! Those are the people we as viewers, and Arie himself, remember best and make a lasting impression! I wonder if that theory will hold true for this season!! Not sure either if Chelsea will make it too far even though she got the first impression rose so maybe things will be different this season! 🙂
PS- Molly is the cutest little human, I love your little family!!
Awww thanks for being a long time follower! I really appreciate! Great point about those first and last out of the limos! We should definitely add those girls to a list of those to watch!
Becca from MN will win👍💕❤️
I have watched the Bachelorette/Bachelor for years now. I was reluctant to even watch Aries season because he seems like he wouldn’t be that great of a Bachelor. I do think most of the girls are way younger than he is. I do have three favorites already! Tia- She reminds me of Raven in every way, so sweet and stunning. She will make it far and they should have a great connection. Lauren B- Gosh could there be any more Lauren’s lol. Even so odd, she reminds me of Lauren Bushnell that Ben proposed to. She seems like she’s genuine and I think she should stay a while. Then there is the most creative Marquel- She is WOW so stunning! Her entrance was such a unique and remembering way for Arie. I kinda do feel like she may be another Corrine/Olivia, but I may have spoke too soon! The girls are stunning and unique, good luck Arie! Btw Ali you are beautiful inside and out! Congrats on your second baby on the way! That sweet Molly is precious!
I have so many similar thoughts on the girls so far! Sienne is stunning and my first thought was, wow, this girl is put together! She just seems like a class act. I think Krystal probably is as sweet as she seems, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the girls think she’s fake. Then Chelsea… they have definitely set her up to be the next Olivia or Corinne (and I think she looks a lot like Olivia from Ben’s season). I know “the villain” always stays around for a while, but it always makes me cringe watching the cattiness start so early.
One other girl I want to mention is Maquel. I’m already going back and forth if I like her or not, but she is gorgeous! Her blonde hair and that blue dress was excellent styling on her behalf.
Last couple of thoughts…. I agree that some of the girls are too young for Arie. Like you said, you can be mature for your age, however, there is still a gap in life experience. I’m curious to see how he feels about the age gap as the show progresses. I hope he winds up with one of the older girls because I think there is a better chance of it lasting.
Finally, I totally know what you’re saying about becoming a mom and it changing your perspective. I think once you have a child of your own you realize all these women are someone’s daughter and have feelings. I think you do a great job of being honest but respectful! So glad the Bachelor is back and I look forward to your Tuesday morning blogs!
I think soooo many girls look like girls from past seasons.
Chelsea looks like Olivia from Ben’s season
Kendal looks like Ashley Salter
Krystal looks like Britt from Chris Soules season
And Becca with the short hair is a dead ringer for Catherine (Sean’s wife)!
Bekah from L.A. (nanny) immediately reminded me of
Annette Benning when she was young.
And Jacqueline reminds me of Tina Fey and Winona Rider both when they were younger
I definitely saw Bekah looking like Rizzo from Grease. Maybe is was the car, but I can’t not see it now.
Bekah with the short hair reminds me of Courtney Robertson!
If it’s not too personal, just curious why you moved out at age 15?!
It will be interesting to see how she and maturity play a role with Asia’s picks!
I would like to know how you supported yourself at 15 also. Did you stay in school? You can’t just throw that out there and not give us details 😬
I was just a rebellious teen. And I lived with a friend in an apartment that was $500 a month. I did chores for my grandma to pay the first month. Then I got a job at 16 (a month later) and paid it myself.
I was kicked out of my parents home by an alcoholic dad when I was 17. I’m 57 now and am proud to say any obstacle thrown at me since I was a teenager has made me strong & resourceful & I’ve had a pretty great life. 2 grown kids with college degrees & great jobs, a 3 yr old grandson who has my heart & my husband of 37 yrs. Happy 2018! Bring it on! Lol
P.s. love you, your family & your blog! I’m a fan!
I’m sure this taught you a lot of life lessons.
That has made you see not everyone has a perfect situation prior to landing on their feet. You learn best from real life experiences. I respect you Ali💕
Thanks for being so real and open
Ali, you are so transparent and real. I love that about you! I was a rebel too. But things turned out better as I matured. You, Kevin, Molly, and Owen look like one happy family! Can’t wait to meet baby Manno!
If it’s not too personal, just curious why you moved out at age 15?!
It will be interesting to see how age and maturity play a role with Arie’s picks!
Is it just me or does Chelsea remind you of Olivia? The girl that opened her mouth wide constantly and pushed anyone in her way?
She totally reminded me of Olivia ( looks-wise)! And Olivia got first impression rose too. Her persona also reminds me of Michelle Money (does anyone remember her?) because she was also a single mom/villian.
I agree. It’s weird how many girls look like girls from past seasons. I listed a few above. Will re-post here
Chelsea looks like Olivia from Ben’s season
Kendal looks like Ashley Salter
Krystal looks like Britt from Chris Soules season
Yes!! I agree she totally reminded me of Michelle!! And do believe outside the show that Michelle is super sweet. It’s interesting how people can be cast as villains, and she may not actually be that bad.
She actually reminded me of Courtney Robertson from Ben F.’s season. There was something about the way she looked but for sure the way she acted!
Totally had the same thought Erica!! Chelsea and Courtney from Ben Fs season remind me so much of one another.
How is it that you were able that you were able to watch hours ahead of us in the West? I went to ABC.com but couldn’t watch live.
I get a link from the producers. I’m still friends with them.
Cheater cheater. I watched 1/2 cuz 10 is too late for me too. lol.
I love reading your blog. Especially on Bachelor topics and motherhood. I have a 1 year old son (I had him a few months after you had Molly!). Is it just me or does Kendal have a slight resemblance to Ashley S. From Chris’ season. I don’t know why but I think looks wise and her quirky sense of humor, that can also be taken as awkward! Would love to hear your thought on it!
I think she look JUST like her!!!!
Short hair Becca is my husband’s favorite. However, I do not see her and Arie connecting on a deeper level. She seems fun and free spirited – but is there any substance? We will see. I do not like the way Chelsea is talking about the other ladies already without even knowing them! I also think she looks like Olivia from Ben’s season and it distracts me when she talks Lol. I don’t have a stand out favorite yet.
I don’t have a stand out favorite either because I have LOTS of favorites! Ha. Hope to narrow down next week.
Agree! It always takes a few weeks to get a real sense of character. I always feel bad for the ones who leave the first time. Just curious, how much time is arie actually with all these women the first time? 2 hours or 8 or what? I married a man I felt nothing for the first time I met him at a party. I thought there was no connection! But totally changed my mind the second time! First impressions mean a lot, but then again, not always how it turns out!
The previews showed a lot of short haired Bekah —- or so it seemed ???
I thought that too but when I really thought about it I think we’re just noticing her more because her short hair makes her stand out way more. Normally when I watch previews, all i see is long haired brunettes or blondes, I can’t tell who is who.
Glad you post about this! I love reading your posts about the bachelor because you’re never rude but give insider type insight.
My thoughts:
Krystal sounds so fake with that sweet voice. They’ve already shown a few clips of her being catty. I believe she probably is a nice girl, but don’t buy the sweet act. And I think she’s going to try to plug her fitness videos.
Short haired Becca was my favorite initially aside from her smug comment about feeling like she made a good initial impression with the car. I thought her moment with Arie was contrived with her questions. Like she definitely had it all planned out, which is why it seemed like an act. But I think that’s pretty smart to do rather than just wing it and be all over the place like Jenna (I think that was her name) was. I liked her because she seemed like she had no ulterior motive aside from, “I’m doing the bachelor because why the heck not?”
But now I’m like, ohh, is she really an aspiring actress or gold digger? And you’re so right about egging on the contestants! I didn’t even catch that but I totally see it now!
Didn’t Becca seem a little cold during the questions? Like when she made fun of his ‘excitement’ answer. I didn’t see s connection but she is a cute bubbly person.
I sooo agree that Bekah’s time with Arie in the car seemed planned out. I JUST talked about that on Access Live this morning. You and I think alike! She feels a little bit like an actress to me. I bet she is an actress and that’s why she’s in LA working as a nanny.
I also felt like she had her answers for her question planned out. She made fun of Aria’s ‘excitement’ answer, but not his ‘pizza’ answer! 😂 I’m hoping to see a deeper size to him. We shall see!
Hey Ali!
I haven’t watched The Bachelor/Bachelorette in a while, (I’m 21 so college/real life has taken over and it’s very hectic, not to mention SCARY) but I watched Emily’s season with my mom and LOVED Arie, so I knew I had to get fully invested in his season no matter what!!!
I honestly pretty much feel the same way as you do about the girls on this season so far. I absolutely loved Sienne and Tia, I hope they make it far and we get to see them open up and spend a lot of time with Arie because they seem like awesome girls!!
I am quite intrigued by Maquel. I’m not sure what to make of her yet, but she is very gorgeous and I really hope we see more of her soon.
As far as Chelsea goes… she makes me nervous. She’s definitely a pot stirrer. I really hope she doesn’t mess up Arie’s chance to find love. I think eventually he’ll see the… darker, I guess… side of her, but I’ve seen too many times before where the person we’re all rooting for somehow goes home and the villain stays! I hope that doesn’t end up being the case this season!
I love your Bachelor blogs, your Insta stories, and I LIVE for any picture or video of Molly. She’s the absolute cutest and I just love your little family so much!! I look up to strong, hard-working, beautiful women and you are just that! You’re so inspiring to me!
Much love,
Rachel (:
Hey Rachel! Thanks for the nice words about me and about Molly. I pretty much LIVE for anything and everything she does too 😉 You seem like a very level headed and smart young woman. Best of luck with everything you are accomplishing in college! And thank you for being a part of my Ali Luvs community. I am proud that kick-butt women like you read my blog! xoxo
Hi Ali!
I love reading your blog – and I am a HUGE Bachelor/ette fan as well! At first I wasn’t too excited about Arie being the Bachelor because it has been so long since we saw him last. But having watched last nights episode, I am just too excited for this season! He is definitely growing on me.
My favorite has to be Becca (with the long hair lol). She just seems laid back and real to me. And someone who I am questioning still would have to be Chelsea. She just seems as though she might stir up some drama (I might be wrong but we’ll see!) It’s crazy so much can change in an episode so I am excited for everything to unfold!
Looking forward to reading these blogs!
I like Becca (with the long hair) too! Seems like a cool chick! Someone I would want to hang with.
I have to agree that the girls are exceptionally gorgeous this season! I mean they always are but there are a few this season that blew me away! *Maquel*cough*cough* holy smokes!
Not a fan of how catty some of the girls were right off the bat. Chelsea especially. I’m sure she doesn’t mean to come across that way and being a mom herself probably wouldn’t want someone to treat her child that way but it seems she ONLY had negative things to say about people. I hope she doesn’t stick around.
There are quite a few girls on this season that seem incredibly young for Arie but there was also a good bunch that are in their mid to later twenties and early thirties so he has some great potential! Best of luck Arie and can’t wait to see how the season unfolds!!
I totally agree with you about Chelsea being a mom and how she should know better than to put down a bunch of the girls. How I treat other women has definitely changed and become softer since I became a mom.
I love reading your blog, Ali, and for some reason I couldn’t watch the whole show. I want Arie, to find a great genuine love and I don’t want to see him hurt again. I just think some of these girls are way to young for him.
Really?!? Go back and watch! I thought it was a really great premiere! And setting up a GREAT season!
Hi Ali! Loved this. I totally agree with you. Krystal gets me… I can’t put my finger on her. I feel like she is going to turn into not so sweet. I LOVED Annalise. I thought her entrance was clever and poised and she was a gem, like I want to be her friend!!
Thanks for your recap, see you next Tuesday 🙂
Annalise is a cutie and so sweet! I hope she sticks around for a while 🙂
I enjoyed Arie when he was on Emily’s season and so excited to see him back again. I was a little upset that the girls were already being catty. I know it adds drama, but it makes me not want to watch the show. I thought they were setting Chelsea up to be the nice single mom, but I do see that they are turning her more into a villain which I find hard to watch. I never want to view a single mom as the villain, so I hope she comes across as softer in the later episodes. I think a lot of the girls were getting caught up in what the other girls thought of them, which I am sure happens a lot on the show since everyone is after the same guy! I can’t wait to see what happens later this season. I do enjoy the girl that wore the mask. I think she stood out the most because she was still a mystery inside the house when he had already “met” everyone.
Long-haired Becca is my dark horse favorite (and she’s one of the few brunettes). Krystal also got the lovey-Doney music right out of the limo, so I think she’s in it for the long haul, but I also get Britt vibes from her. Normally I have strong feelings about who te winner will be after night one, but I feel like it’s still so up in the air this time! It will be interesting to see how things progress.
I agree! He doesn’t give much away so I have no idea who he’s vibing on and usually it’s obvious from night one *coughAliandRobertocough*
Your assessments to me are spot on – as they seem to always be! I just love Arie and am so glad he is on. The instant standout to me is Tia, Annalise, and Maquel (?) girl in the sports car. Don’t wanna exit out is this to see her name lol. Loved Tias genuine, unaffected personality, and her great gift. He did seem kinda awkward about it and never thot like u did: what If he is lacking in that dept? What a backfire wud that gift be if he was! The short haired gal – yes, she WAS egging everyone on and she did seem to be acting! When they did the bit about her age at the end I thot to myself: she must be older than everyone would imagine bc they showed her crying…Krstyal and her gig bugs me. Chelsea for sure is the villain and I liked her at first and then quickly changed my mind. Anyway – looking forward to the season and your blog!
Love your blog. I am really not one to get in to the first episode. I feel sorry for some of the girls on their arrivals. Sometimes its cringe worthy. I do agree with you on the kiss that Arie had with Chelsea….way too soon for me..but I agree she will be the villain.
I can’t wait to see how is journey goes….and of course reading your blog.
Ali, I’m so glad you addressed the issue of how unnatural it is to discuss other girls and their motives. We all feel invested and that’s why we watch but ultimately there is this thin line between gossip and intrigue. You write your blog with grace. So glad you decided to stop the hate before it started! Also my husband is ten years older than me but I grew up fast and kind of raised myself. So huge age gaps are definitely situational. But I dated men ten years old than me since I was 19 and let me tell you I thought I was on the same level as them but looking back -I absolutely wasn’t. When I met my husband at 25 and married him at 27 it was a way better time for that kind of gap. Ultimately no matter how real the connection is-a huge age gap at that time of a girls life is just a waste of everybody’s time and the producers know that. But all the women will certainly grow and learn so much through this process and I hope they get to do that without all the internet trolls beating them down. But unfortunately that’s not the time we live in.
after some investigating (**cough insta stalking **)…short hair Becca (Bekkah? Bekah? Whatever) is probably 22! She added a birthday post in February of 2016 with the hashtag #21… meaning she turned 21 in 2016, 22 in 2017! 🙂 just sending some info of investigative journalism your way!
Just saw on reality Steve short hair Bekah is 22 has all ages listed
Good super sleuthing
I think your views are pretty spot on!!! I think Becca with the long hair will go far, and Maquel(sp?) also. I did not care for Krystal much. Maybe she really is that sweet and generous, but it did seem a little like she might just be putting it on for the camera to promote herself. The sweet voice was a little much. The thing I am SO OVER are the entrances. Some of them were cute, like the cufflinks, but the one about seeing all the d*#*!, and the girl who wanted him to smell her armpit(who happens to have grown up in my town, my husband knew her as a kid) were just way too much for me. It’s almost as if that is a competition because they know that might be the only air time they get. I just think it doesn’t portray them in the best light, and would you want one embarrassing moment to be the thing people can google you for? Not me!! I’m excited to watch and see what happens this season. And I’m so curious to know how old short haired Bekah is!
Britt plug! I didn’t follow her after Chris’ season and basically viewed her the way the show depicted her. A few months ago I accidentally stumbled upon her YouTube videos and started binge watching her videos. I was mind blown. My heart really goes out to her and I think she’s incredibly genuine and real- expresses her deep struggles and vulnerability. I recommend everyone to watch a few of her episodes and you might see she has a really genuine heart. You’re both my favorites to follow and love how authentic you both are.
I’m not suggesting you said anything negative about her, I just think that many people (myself included) have had an inaccurate view of her and I feel sad about that.
Thanks for sharing thoughts with us Ali, I’ll look forward to it each week.
I am always a day behind here in the caribbean but will, for sure, watch our dutchie be a very handsome bachelor, even with his salt ‘nd pepper hair 😉
Ali!! Yesss! I agree with your thoughts on so many levels. Firstly, I’m so glad you pointed out that these girls are REAL HUMANS and have feelings. You don’t have to like someone to be nice to them. I think people forget that sometimes. For instance, Chelsea is not may favorite. At first I thought she was a good possibility, but once her true colors stared to surface I was real disappointed. I didn’t like that she kept acknowledging the fact that she wasn’t playing very nice with the girls, but made the excuse that she isn’t normally like this. Secondly, go Becca with the long hair! (Lol) I loved her “proposal” and really wanted her to get the first impression rose!
I love Krystal, Bekah and a few others. Chelsea, on the other hand, reminds me too much of Olivia from Ben’s season. I’m not surprised she got the first impression rose but it bothers me how she went about getting it. I hate when girls steal the guy twice when others never get to talk to him. Chelsea also claims she’s not competitive but she clearly is, which drove me crazy. “I’m not a bitch, I’m a mother”….. Plus I like that Chris Harrison didn’t get all “most dramatic season” at the beginning. They’re all dramatic but nothing tops BiP this summer so far. Do you think everyone who gets the first impression rose ends up winning? Roberto got yours and he won your season. I haven’t followed the show religiously so I’m curious as to previous seasons.
Side note, Molly is adorable! I love following you on social media. Makes me smile.
Hi Ali,
I read your blog and I totally agree with you 100% on the girls. I did some research of my own and I found out Bekah (short hair) is 22. That is 14 years younger than Arie, I’m sorry but I think that is way to big of an age gap. Like you said I know age is just a number, but he could possibly be her father (not really just figuratively). I’m rooting for the other Becca (long hair) as she is from my hometown- Minneapolis, MN! Also, Tia and Brittney (some other girls too, but I can’t remember their names-too early). I’m excited for this season!!
Yikes 14 years is A LOT. That’s like me dating a 19 year old right now. A teenager!!!
Right, that would be me dating a 6 year old right now, not ok! Can’t wait to see what happens this season!
I read someone that short haired Becca just turned 22! Do you think she is too young for Arie?
I can’t remember the girls name, but she looks so similar to Kim K, and seemed to go pretty far in the sneak peeks! What do you think about her?
I agree with you I think Tia is going to be one of my favorites because Raven was one of my favorites too!
I love following you and watching you become such an inspirational mom and human! You are the greatest!
Tia is already one of my faves! And yes, I think 22 is much too young for him. I think he will think that too. He might not say it, but he must think it (when he finds out her age)
I totally agree with everything you said, especially the whole age gap thing. I’m 23 and I can’t imagine dating someone who’s ready for kids. Age may just be a number, but in this time of life (20’s and 30’s) I think it makes a huge difference. Also, like I said I’m 23 right now and was 17 when Emily’s season aired, so some of these women may have also been underage when he was on. BUT I am really excited for Arie and to see where this season goes!
So happy to hear from you and get your perspective! I am glad we are on the same page!
I agree! I’m 27 and would still feel weird with a man that’s 36. I loved Arie on Emily’s season and I think he will do a great job! I just hope he can find someone, and make it work in the real world! Love your blog Ali! I have been a big fan of yours since Jake’s season!
Thanks for sharing your Bachelor thoughts! I am always curious with how age plays into the seasons so I’m glad you brought it up!
Thanks for reading Hillary!
Hi Ali!
I think that this season will be One of the better seasons. I’ve watched the bachelor/bachelorette from the day it started. I noticed the age of all these girls and I think short haired Bekah is the youngest of all of them. Her actions, poise, etc. remind me of a younger person between the aes of 19- 23 or 24. Just something about her doesn’t add up…can’t put my finger on it yet…..I love Long hair Bekah, Tia, Kendall. And there’s a few others…..Chelsea I’m not sure about yet…..she does remind me a lot of Olivia from a few seasons ago.
I love your blog and follow you on Instagram, been a fan since I saw you on Jake’s season! I even bumped into Roberto once in San Diego and was pissed you weren’t with him! Love all of Molly’s pics, I got pregnant shortly after you did so it’s been fun to see all the things Molly’s doing!
Anyway – I’m super curious, why do some girls get a flashy entrance and others don’t? Do the producers just pick who’s idea seems the best?
Boy, you must have been a handful for your mom/parents to agree to let you move out. They must have had to sign off on it at age 15. I also read and interview with someone who went to high school with you and said your parents let your boyfriend at the time move in with you. Is that true? Would you let Molly do either of these things if she turns out as strong willed as you are?
Totally agree with your first impressions of the gals this season. As a girl with short hair and a die hard bachelor fan, I have noticed there has never been a girl with short hair on the show that I can remember, however I am SUPER annoyed that this is such a big deal to people lol. I also agree that Kristal seems super sweet and that the other girls will probably not like her. And shocker – we HAVE to have a villain every season so Chelsea is unfortunately the one the producers have picked out for that job. Sometimes I wonder after all I these years why I still watch but I’m smart enough to know ( as you do too from first hand experience) that it is a production and It is purely for entertainment for us! I am so glad though that there are some bachelor success stories and that a lot of lasting relationships have come from the show.
I loved Krystal. I think she is super sweet and she has a heart of gold helping the homeless.
Ali, I just want to say that I normally don’t read blogs at all, but I follow you on Instagram and I just think you’re the sweetest, prettiest, former bachelorette ever! I’m also a mom to a daughter (my first) and I understand what you mean about wanting to see all the girls in a positive light and don’t want to judge too harshly. I am a people person in general and I think us women are too hard on ourselves. All. The. Time. Mom or not. We should all lift each other up and be supportive of one another. (And I say this because I breatfeed and I’ve gotten a lot of grief on breastfeeding in public, and co sleeping). Anyway I love your blog! And I haven’t watched this bachelor season yet but I’m excited to watch it after reading your thoughts. Xoxo
Hi Ali !
I’m honestly kind of disappointed with the group of women thus far. Usually by the end of the first episode I find women that I really like, however majority of this particular group seem very immature and pushy. With that aside, I do like Krystal, there’s something intriguing about her but whether she’s compatible with Arie I’m not to sure. Becca (with the long hair) seems like she’s going to be a front runner though! As for Tia, I don’t see her being as likeable as Raven, but I’m trying not to pre-maturely judge. Obviously editing goes into these types of shows so I can’t really judge and maybe they just didn’t make good first impressions. Regardless I hope I can get into this season and that the women really turn around ! Thanks for the post !
Hi Ali! Me too- am totally addicted to the Bachelor, been watching since Trista’s season -also, you and I have the same birthday! Sept 16th woohoo:) anyway- soo glad it’s back on! I agree with your comment on the girls being beautiful this season, also a lot of them seem like they have a good head on their shoulders and there are some great professions! Also, I agree , 23 is waayyy to young , I did some research and Bekah short hair is 22!!! Way way too young I agree. I really really hope Arie narrows it down to age appropriate women quickly – HOWEVER , soo disappointed in his choice of giving Chelsea the first impression rose, she’s obviously the villain and he totally doesn’t see that – reminds of when Ben H gave Olivia the first rose and she quickly got way to cocky – or when Ben F. Picked bad girl courntey and it ended up not working out – really hoping Arie will pick the genuine ones and see past the fairness. The worst seasons are when they let the genuine girls so – like YOUR season !! When jake picked someone who wasn’t totally true and pure – ugh, c’mon Arie ! Anyway, I still have faith and hopefully he will get through the bad girls, and 22 year olds – ugh! Xoxo !
Kendall’s bio shot looks like Molly (Jason’s wife)
I would say early prediction – one’s to watch are Becca (long haired), Tia, Kendall and I like two of the blonde Lauren’s.
Dang it! I knew I shouldn’t have read your blog! Now I HAVE to watch it. Ha! Ali, I love how you are so kind about all the women on the show. And yes, you are right, we have to remember that these are real people with real feelings. I know what I am doing tonight. I don’t have cable so I have to watch the TV shows online the next day. I’m okay with spoilers though. Ha!
Ali! I agree with you on Becca with the short hair! I felt like she was extra pushy when she had time with Arie like she was putting on an act. And some of the way she’s acting feels very young.
Chelsea actually reminded me of Courtney from Ben’s season of the bachelor and she went all the way to the end! So who knows!
Ali I have been a huge fan of the show since your season!!! I was in total shock when he didn’t give Jessica a rose. She seemed so put together and extremely sweet. What are your thought i really think he let someone amazing go 😢
My favorite for the evening was Annalise, and was surprised when Chelsea got the first impression rose. Ari said he was giving it to someone he felt a strong connection to, not necessarily physical and felt that was the only connection he had with Chelsea. Ali I agree with you about the age. I like Becka but she is 13 years younger than him. I also agree you can be mature at 23 but there is such a life experience difference that is hard to overcome. I have been s die hard fan for so long but not really sure who most are really looking for relationships. I was so sad Nick and Vanessa’s break up and especially Ben and Lauren. I really thought they would make it. I think the couples that go right back into the spotlight seem to have the least success. My suggestion for the show is to have less people. There could be more one on one dates and even smaller group dates so they could really get to know each other. I saw Sean and Catherine on a program the other day and she said at the end you have a ring on your finger but don’t even have each other’s phone #.
Hi Ali!
According to RealitySteve.com Bekah is 22, THE youngest bachelorette ever on the show. I liked her, but don’t think I see her going really far on the show. PS-love your blog and Molly is just the cutest! I check your igstories for Molly! 😊❤
Hello Ali! I loved you on the show, and I listen to Valentine in the morning and love your hubby on there.. anyway.. the show last night was good! I always try to pick my “winner” and I’m going to go with Annalise. He seemed really into her, she seemed soft spoken, cute, and genuine kinda like Emily! So we’ll see. I thought Maquel was drop dead gorgeous and totally thought they would hit it off but.. it fell short. At least what was shown on tv.. they took a selfie and that was it. And when she was standing there waiting for a rose, I felt like it was expected and like duh I knew I was gonna get it. In other words she feels like she doesn’t have to work at it at all! I’m looking forward to the season.. congrats on the baby!
Hi Ali,
Long time follower here and LOVE your blog, especially this post! It was as if you were reading all the thoughts I had in my mind after last nights episode haha
You mentioned prior seasons where “villains” have made it to the end…I know you are right but I’m blanking on who they were and what season!? Now it’s bugging me lol
Xoxo Nikki
One I can remember is Courtney from Ben F.’s season… the crazy thing is I just heard her on Ben H. and Ashley I.’s podcast and Courtney recently dated Arie prior to him agreeing to do the show!
Hi Ally!! I’m a HUGE fan… and often refer to you on a first name basis while discussing something from your blog with my husband. (He thinks I’m crazy! haha) I’m also a new Mom … and your parenting tips are spot on!
Anyway — I’m pretty sure Bekah with the short hair said in her intro that she’s 22. Just wanted to pass along! 🙂
Great review! I agree with your first impressions. The comments I wanted to add were about Chelsea…
1. She reminds me SO MUCH of Olivia- (the girl with the big mouth from Ben H. Season). For a few minutes I was thinking, “is that Olivia’s twin?!?!” Not just how she looks but also how she talks and acts.
2. You mentioned the villains only going far a few times- one villain that won was Courtney on Ben F.’s season and that Courtney dated Arie, so I thought it’s interesting that he dated a bachelor villain and then he gave the first impression rose to the seeming villain from this season.
Last thing I wanted to mention is that I find it interesting that SO FAR there doesn’t really seem to be an “EMILY” type girl. I was thinking since his story line is that he hasn’t fallen for anyone since Emily as hard as he did for her, I would think they’d put a few Emily type girls on. From the first night, I didn’t really see that.
I can’t wait to see what happens and to read your episode reviews!! 🌹🌹🌹
I’m so intrigued by so many girls but can’t decide which one I feel like I really want to see him propose to in the end… yet! Time will tell! 💜
I actually really like Krystal and I feel like she is there for him and for love but can we just mention her super awkward smile as she walked away from talking with him after Chelsea took him away?! So creepy and weird, but also super funny!
I started off liking Bekah (short hair) in the teaser from a few weeks ago but I’m with you… something catty and a little forced/too cute about her.
At this point I’m really loving Jenny, who drew the picture of him… that was a sweet moment and she seems so adorable and genuine 💜
Hi Ali
The photo of you holding the roses is so pretty & looks like it was taken yesterday.
I also moved away from my parents home when i was young. it was a different world back then.
I was touched by the strong love Arie showed for Emily. He’s a gentleman & I hope he finds his soul mate.
P.s. I went for a ‘live a little’ 15 min walk today after work & doing a few errands. ☺
Hi Ali! l have been such a fan of yours since you were on the bachelor! You keep lt so real while always staying kind! l absolutely love Krystal. l think she’s genuinely a sweet person with a good heart. l totally agree about Sienna, she’s stunning and intelligent. Tia was adorable but l literally hid behind a blanket during her entrance lol so cringeworthy BUT he’ll remember her! Also, l actually loved short haired Becca. l think she’s kind of sarcastic and can keep arie on his toes. l do t want to be mean but Chelsea is not my cup of tea. l just did not get the “mysterious” thing and how she lunged at Arie for the kiss lol l was disappointed because isn’t she the single mom? l was really hoping to like her! My husband thinks Becca is the winner already lol lm curious, does Kevin watch with you? l finally got my husband to watch for the first time and he was totally into lt surprisingly! Thanks for your blog, l always love lt!!!
PS!!! l didn’t mean l was disappointed that she kissed him as a single mom lol moms can kiss whoever they want! l meant l was disappointed that she was the villain because l wanted to like the show mom! l read my post and lt sounded like l was linking her as a mom to kissing but those were separate opinions 😂😂
Hi Ali! I love following along with you, your sweet family, and your blog. You were one of my favorite bachelorettes! My sister and I watch the bachelor every season and predict the top 5 after watching the first episode. We have been correct the past three seasons! So I though I’d share who we think makes it to the top 5 this season (in no particular order)- Crystal, Tia, Lauren S., Sienne, and Bekah M. I think Bekah M. Is like the Dean of this season-she’ll make it far but in the end she’s just too young and not ready. We’d love to know your thoughts!
I feel like the couples that end up together on the show would have a better chance of lasting if they let the bachelor/bachelorette see some of the footage of the girls together when they aren’t around and in those individual interviews. It would give that person a better idea of who each girl/guy truly is when they aren’t putting on a good impression for them on dates. It’s such a short time span in the grand scheme of life and if the real goal is to create lasting couples I feel like this would help! I know it’s TV and they are looking for the drama to entertain, it’s just sad to know that there might have been girls/guys that would have made a great couple if the bachelor/bachelorette could have known them a little better and made the right choice.
I’m so glad you’re doing these blogs! I’ve been a fan of yours since your season and I love following along your life journey! Molly is the most beautiful little girl and I’m so excited for you and Kevin as y’all welcome a new little one! I had a handful of girls that caught my attention and, for me, Sienne was on the top of the list. She was so elegant and beautiful and, like you said, she’s very articulate. I also really liked Tia! I’m a southern girl myself and o love seeing her respresent the South! I was a huge fan of Raven’s so if Tia is anything like her, I know I’ll be a fan of her too! Annalise was another favorite of mine and I also noticed the lovey music in the back so it makes me feel like she goes a long way! I love to live tweet along with the show and one thing I kept seeing was people tweeting Olivia Caridi and saying that Chelsea was just like her. I understand that most people meant in looks and with that I totally agree. I just hated that people kept bringing up Olivia’s past actions and saying Chelsea’s actions were similar to hers. Yes Olivia did make those decisions but at the end of the day she seems to have changed and put that in her past. I hated that people keep digging up her past and shoving it in her face. (I was pretty excited though because I tweeted my frustration about it and she actually responded) Someone who actually caught my attention for the wrong reasons was Bekah (with the short hair). I agree with you because it did seem like she was consistently stirring the pot and really liked gossiping. I’m really excited for Arie though and I really hope he finds his wife! 🙂
I have to give my opinion on Krystal…I’ve met her a few times, and I truly feel like she was putting on an act last night. Seemed very fake to me. We have some mutual friends, and I know a goal of hers is to be on TV.
The times I have met her.. let’s just say she wasn’t a “sweetheart” Can’t wait to see how the rest of the season plays out!
What do you think of Lauren S.? She’s beautiful, seems level headed, and has a good job! She didn’t get much screen time but sometimes those are the good ones..they stay away from the drama!!
I have a bunch of comments but most have been said. That being said I think that regarding Krystal, or really anyon, if you have to explain to someone who you are and what you’re about, ex: I always try to get the best out of each person or however she said it, I always feel like it’s not genuine. These types of traits and qualities should come out naturally if that’s really who you are and she can across as a bit of a phoney to me.
Also, how come so many girls feel like they have to make sexual jokes ? Doesn’t that come later on when you’ve become more intimate with someone ? Like the girl who said how many d*cks she saw at her spray tan place ? Even the Weiner joke seemed to fall flat.
I like Annaleese because she seemed more real and also the one who’s mom had written the notes. Is that Becca with long hair ?
Anyways I love your perspective. It always alines right up with mine. I even said to my friend as we were watching that Krystal was like Britt !!
Hope your pregnancy is going well!
I had all the same thoughts about the girls!! I also found out that short haired Becka is 22 (according to her Instagram) which is a huge age gap between her and Arie…. will be interesting to see how that turns out!
So weird seeing Chelsea as a “villan” since she is a mother also, like when she went and asked to talk to Arie for the second time?! You would think a mother would have motherly instincts and think about the others right? But I guess it worked out well for her getting that first impression 🌹
Can’t wait for this season and keeping up with your blog!!!
Ps. Also checking your Instagram and stories minute by minute to see if you have revealed the gender yet. Love your little family
Can I just say that Tia looks like Becca Tilley and Raven mixed into one! It’s kind of blowing my mind.
Also, I really loved this post. Our thoughts/observations were very similar! I’m excited to see how this season pans out
Hey Ali! Love watching your instagram stories and reading your blog.
I agree with everything you said especially speaking kindly about the girls.
I did read that Bekah(with the short hair) (I think that’s how she spells it) is 22!
Also I was wondering if you would write a post about what happens behind the scenes taping the shows? I’ve always been so curious.
Look forward to your response 🙂
Hi Ali!
You are one of my favorite bachelorettes & I love following you now & seeing how happy you are with your adorable family! I agree 100% with you about all the ladies. Tia is my fav & I was also unsure about Becca (with the short hair), I didn’t like how she was already talking smack about the other girls. I googled her (because I was curious about her age) & I found out she is 22. Not sure if that’s correct but if so that’s SUPER young for Arie
I was thinking the same thing! The girls are so young!
I’m actually coming into this whole
Bachelor fan club completely backwards! I became a fan of your Instagram, Ali, because I happened to come across your page and loved your sense of fashion (and Molly!) My shoe game has definitely gotten stronger, so thank you! A few months after following you, Molly, Kevin and Owen’s IG (mostly for the silly Molly photos and stories), I realized you were a Bachelorette.
You’re the sole reason I’m giving the show a shot! I figured since you’re a grounded and brilliant person, I would set my assumptions about the show aside. After last night’s episode, I realized I had totally misjudged the show and I’m hooked. I have so many similar opinions about the girls. Some of them seem very genuine but some seem like they are acting and can’t be trusted. Particularly the ones that were cut on day 1. It’s too soon to cry and act like you just lost the love of your life… Or is it?
Anyway, I’m excited to keep up with your blog as I embark on my first season of The Bachelor!
If Courtney and Olivia were one person, that person is Chelsea! Arie is going to be the greatest Bachelor, he is so genuine and classy, like a younger Richard Gere. Also, when he took the goofy selfie with Maquel(sp?) I was laughing so much. His face was priceless!
Chelsea is definitely a repeat of Olivia from a few seasons back. Why do we have to watch that all over again? uggg!
I liked (short hair) Becca in the promos, but she was sounding a little gossipy last night. And, 22 is so far from being what a 36 year old man needs! I have a 24 year old, and I can’t imagine the two totally different seasons of lives, matching up very well.
And, Ali, I love that you do a recap of the show each week! Love your instastories too. I watch every day, just to see how adorable Molly is 🙂
Yeah…but I think age is relative…
In my experience, I’ve met some people far older than me and way more immature. Maturity is a choice and not something that automatically comes with age. I’ve learned this personally because I’ve had to look in the mirror and actively change some qualities about myself that were unbecoming.
Experiences help but some people experience far more in their 20 years than some people experience in 40’s. But it’s true the older we get the more wisdom and experience we can have under our belt but we have to choose to learn from those things. It doesn’t automatically happen because we are 30. People go through all different kinds of things and age does not discriminate. My Husband got brain cancer his senior year of high school and could have died during brain surgery but didn’t. This experience definitely shaped and molded my Husband. He was by far the most mature 20 something Id ever met. A brain tumor that young can do that. When I was younger, I did some silly things but when I was 20 and met my Husband (he is 3 years older than me), I started to calm down.
One 22-23 year old may be really immature while another one may not be. Not all young people are crazy partiers, date a ton of people, etc. I married at 22 (just 2 weeks shy of turning 23) and my husband is just three years older than me. I know my situation is different because we are close in age but in our situation it wasn’t a bad idea to get married whereas for others, our age, it may have been. We’ve been married for over 10 years now, both in our 30’s and we both did a lot of growing up as individuals and as a couple. We are still standing whereas I know some wouldn’t. I feel like we never stop learning and growing no matter how old we are.
My Dad was 9 years older than my Mom and they were married for well over 20 years until he passed away. I think it depends on the person and the situation but I don’t think in general every 20 something is too young to do something important. I just think people need to be careful that their judgements aren’t ageist towards some of these gals. This is just my two cents and opinion. Everyone can have their own thoughts about it 🙂 My comment is really long but I guess it’s how I feel about this age subject haha 🙂
I actually totally agree with your comment about Arie’s kisses!!!!! I think it loses some significance when he kisses like that with a number of girls. But I also think there’s part of him that feels like he has to “live up” to the expectation of being a good kisser.
And I actually really like Bekah with the short hair!! So we will see on that 🙂
One of my favourite parts last night was the super cute car racing in the toy cars!
Does Sienne remind you a little of Jubilee from Ben’s season or is it just me?
I haven’t watched Bachelor in a while, so it’s great to commit to the next 2 months! My favorite was the woman who sat with Arie in front of the fireplace with the long brown hair and silver earrings! Not sure who she was, but she seemed affectionately interested in Arie and down to earth. Some of the ladies who were kicked off Mondays Show, sure needed to go…
I agree that 22 is way too young. But really is 23 years old that much better?! So many 23 year olds.
Also the show ended with spray tan girl wiping her nose on the sleeve of her dress and then in the preview of weeks to come their were more girls wiping their nose on their sleeve. LOL! Get these girls some tissues ABC😆
LOL! I do this too sometimes! I need tissues too ABC! haha
Is it just me or was Annaleise (spelling??) on a past season before?! She was the kissing bandit. She looks soooooo familiar and her face is familiar. I feel like she was on Ben F.’s season, Brad or maybe another bachelor prior??? Arie is getting a second chance at love, maybe she is too???? I could be totally wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else remember her??? I love her by the way. Something about her just seemed really special and I think she will be around for awhile if not the one at the end 🙂
I look forward to these SO MUCH! I’m so glad my Monday Tuesday routine is back!
I know she is controversial but I loved Krystal! I didn’t get the phoney vibe- I thought she just had a love for life! What she does for the homeless was so nice and out of her way
But what I really wanted to comment was about one of the contestants who was eliminated! The one whose dad had met Arie I wanted to stay!! I was so sad
– Brooke
Love your blog Ali!!! I had to say that Chelsea reminded me of Emily Maynard, her facial expressions and her posture, that’s why it didnt surprise me that Arie was into her..
You took the words out of my mouth about Arie and his kissing. I don’t know why it bothered me lol. But the kiss with Chelsea was so passionate already! Like save that kind of kiss for the woman you really care about. It made me so mad!!
Love your blogs!
Hi Ali!
Such a great blog! I definitely share a lot of the same opinions. I couldn’t help thinking that these girls just look like repeats from the past. I thought because Arie was older they would have more mature women and mostly those in their 30s but it seems like a similar mix. I got the creeps when one of the 23 year olds tell him she “loved him” on Emily’s season at which time she would have been in high school…. yikes!!! How can they be serious enough to settle down at that age? I still don’t get how you can know yourself well enough in your early 20s to forge a substantial and “real” connection to know they will be the one forever. I did meet my husband at 22 but we just got married this year and I’m 28 now! We did a lot of growing together in between.
I really liked Annalise. She felt the most real to me out of all the conversations. She also seemed to have Arie smitten which was nice to see. I also thought Marikh was interesting. I don’t know how long she will be there though. Bekha (short hair) got a bit annoying and I totally agree that she seemed like an actress. There’s something about her that makes me not want to trust her. Hopefully Arie can find someone amazing and mature in the group!
Side note: Molly and your family are adorable!! Can’t wait to see your new baby! Hope your pregnancy goes well.
I also liked anneliese and Becca with the long hair and couldn’t agree more about short haired Becca. I thought she seemed sweet from her intro, but honestly felt like she wasn’t very natural, almost acting throughout the episode. From getting off the mustang, to the drama with Chelsea getti to talk to him twice to their alone time, even when he went to hand out the first impression rose!
I like Chelsea, you know what? It takes courage to go in first and even more to interrupt again for more time. But her argument did make sense, when she said I talked to him first and it was so long ago. It is my understanding that the 1st cocktail party goes on and on for hours so good for her that she went and reminded him that she was there. I think she is just a no-nonsense girl who knows what she wants and goes for it.. but let’s see how it evolves!
Tia I am not sure about.. loved Raven last season, but I got the impression that she was just trying to play Raven because she was so popular last year.. does that make sense? Can’t wait to see more, and I am very happy it’s arie, I really hope he finds what he is looking for.
Funny when my daughters and I watched the show we kept saying that it so many of the girls were look-alike contestants from previous seasons. Thanks for your input on who looks like who. Now we don’t feel crazy. I am not super excited about any of the girls yet, but I have a feel for who I don’t like. There are a few ladies who will make ideal narrators if they are not sent home. It’s funny how those individuals end up making a show for me because most of what they say is insightful and usually very funny. My feeling on Bekah is that she is very young and for some reason (maybe it is the haircut and age) reminds me of Peter Pan. I enjoy your input and all of your posts including all those about your life. I am looking forward to Monday, and we always have a bachelor crowd at our house, so it is fun to get their input too.
I’m being 100% honest I’m so disappointed that the Bachelor cast such young women Arie is 36!! I personally think all these women should be 30 or older. I have yet to watch the first episode but it’s on the DVR to watch!! I think it would be awesome for ABC to just cast an everyday man or women to be the bachelor or bachelorette not cast people from other seasons or spin off shows etc.
Great recap! I would be a terrible Bachelorette because I can’t remember anyone’s name until it gets narrowed down a bit more! I would end up giving out roses to all the wrong people. Plus there are so many blondes (and Laurens) at this point. I’m disappointed that the girl from Maine is looking like Olivia 2.0 because I really wanted to root for her. Oh well…. It will be a fun season and I can’t wait until Monday… And then Tuesday to read your thoughts!
Hey Ali! I love your blog and I follow you on everything. How did you get your blog started?