Fresh Cut! An Sharp Angled Bob – And an $18 Dress!

UPDATE: I just ordered something else from the same site as the dress and got an email saying they are having MAJOR shipping delays. So don’t order unless you are ok with waiting a few weeks! I don’t mind waiting for a good deal. But I know some people do mind!

Yep, I decided to chop all my hair off again! It’s so funny because I thought I had short hair not that long ago but when I actually think about it, it’s been two or three years since my hair was this short. I wasn’t even planning on cutting it when I went to the salon a couple days ago. I was just going into get my highlights done. But when I was sitting in the chair with my fab hairstylist Brianna, I looked at her and said “Maybe we should just chop all my hair off?” She was like “OK!” To be honest with you when we first cut it I was a little bit in shock. Just because normally a major haircut like this is something you think about for a long time before you actually go through with it. But nope! Not me! In a spur of the moment decision I decided to cut about 8 inches off my hair. Well, 8 inches in the back but not as much in the front. I wanted to have a sharp angled bob look. I call it my new mom hair but with an edgy vibe.



I knew I was going to cut it at some point. I just didn’t think I would cut so much. You see, I was growing it out forever because I wanted to have as much hair as possible for my updo at my wedding 2 months ago. So I knew I wanted to cut it again, I just didn’t know I would this week and I didn’t know I’d go so short! What do you guys think? I almost think I need to chop a little more off – like an inch. Thoughts?

This morning I’m headed out with my girlfriend for a little girl time over coffee while Molly is being watched by a sitter. Then Kevin and I are are going to head out later this morning to go car shopping because he needs a new car. So I wanted to wear something cute but also really comfortable because it’s going to be a warm day here in LA today! I decided to wear this $18 dress. I posted about this dress before but it’s one of my favorites in my closet and so affordable so I thought I would post about it again! Plus I can’t believe it’s still available. The website I got it from is pretty good about keeping things in stock for a really long time. And you guys have asked me about this website in the past and if I think it’s reliable. I’ve never had any problems. But I always tell people that I can’t speak for the clothes that I haven’t purchased because I don’t know what those are like. But I was very happy with this dress when I got it. It’s got a cool cut outs for slits on the bottom that I think make it different than the average maxi dress.

And can we take a moment to talk about my earrings!? Aren’t they fabulous! I am obsessed with them in every way possible. They will go with so many BoHo looks that I plan to rock this summer. My earrings, ring, ridiculously cute gold sandals, and purse are all from Sole Society.

My two bracelets are very personal to me so I wear them a lot. The “daughter” bracelet is one Keivn’s mom give to me as a gift when Molly was born. She also gave me the “M” bracelet for Molly Manno πŸ™‚ I just love personal gifts like this.

What I love about this cross-body bag is that it has the convenience of a cross body but it’s bigger than the average cross body so I can fit a ton of stuff in there. Today for coffee I’ll be sans Molly, but when I do have her with me it’s awesome because I can fit a bunch of her diapers and wipes in there along with all my stuff. And I don’t have to carry around a diaper bag. And I know these gold sandals are going to sell out fast cause they are just the cutest! A couple sizes are already sold out so snag yours now!

My sunglasses are ones that I’ve had for a really long time now. And they’re only $12! Isn’t that funny how when you buy really expensive pair of sunglasses you end up losing them right away. But when you have an affordable pair like these you never lose them! Ha! At least that’s the way it seems to go for me. You’ve seen me wearing these sunnies HERE and HERE.

Tell me what you guys think of this look! And tell me what you think of my new cut int he comment below. Should I go shorter?!?!







79 Thoughts

79 thoughts on “Fresh Cut! An Sharp Angled Bob – And an $18 Dress!

      1. Looks great now, but even shorter for an edgier vibe (think Jennifer Lawrence when she had a short bob that was about two inches below her ears). You could wear it in beachy waves or straight for a more sophisticated look. To me, short hair on a woman exudes confidence and style. By the way, you would be gorgeous bald, so you really can’t go wrong!

  1. Don’t go shorter! It looks perfect IMO!

    Love your blog because you always have such awesome, positive energy! Plus I’m going to be a 1st time mom in November so I’m constantly loving on your mom posts (& taking tips) too! Happy Thursday & (almost) weekend!

  2. I think you should cut a little more off! I loved your short haircut that you had a few years ago and I may have copied it! Seeing your short hair makes me want to cut mine again.

  3. You are stunning and I have watched you since the bachelor πŸ™‚ I used to be a stylist and I love your hair cut… I would for sure go about an inch shorter. You will still love it, and it wont brush against your shoulders, or be at that length where you are feeling like you need a trim. Good luck with it, go shorter! You look gorgeous either way!

  4. You look so great with that length! I’ll keep it just like that.
    You make me wanting to chop my hair now…oh god!!! πŸ˜‰
    I’ve always admire you since the Bachelorette, you’re so refreshing!
    Hugs from Montreal!

  5. Love love the hair cut!! I say take it an inch shorter to have the cut last longer! You can rock any hair length!

  6. I did the same thing after my wedding – I grew it out forever, and then chopped it all off the day we got home. A few months later, we were leaving for our honeymoon and I decided it wasn’t short enough, walked into a random salon I had never been to and chop chop! It was so random because I am SUCH a planner, but I never regretted it once.

    I say if you are thinking of going shorter, do it! And if you aren’t into it, it always grows back!

  7. Love the short bob on you! I’m chopping mine in a few weeks too- love the idea of a little longer in the front to hang into some of the length. My little ones only a few months behind Molly so new mom cut is the way to go! ??

  8. I know exactly what you mean by questioning if you should go shorter. I do the same thing. It’s either long or a shorter modern bob. You look adorable no matter what but I would go a little shorter to complete the change. Right now you probably feel kind of in between what you had and the actual change you want to make. A little shorter would give it the lift and movement you want. A few years ago when you went short you were my inspiration to do something I had been considering and you just might do it again ?

  9. Looks great! I have super fine hair so I alway need to keep it short – so I love others embracing adorable and sexy short do’s! I think you could totally go up another inch or so- but looks fab regardless!

  10. I have been rocking this cut since you and Kaley Cuoco had similar cuts. You BOTH inspired me to take off what eventually totalled 11 inches. I started with 8″ and kept going shorter. Since you grew out your hair I felt like I lost my hair buddy. ;o) When you posted the other day that you were chopping it again I was super excited and anxious for your first Instagram photo or blog post with the update! Looks fabulous and I know how it is to feel the urge to keep going shorter so I say, go for it! You know how easy it is to go shorter after doing the initial chop. And you know how quickly it grows back if you want to change it again. But I do agree that your shorter looks are super flattering so keep it going! Happy to have my hair buddy back… haha!

    (and I’m not a mom but yes… comes in handy and a lot less maintenance especially with the little ones!)

  11. I think that your hair looks amazing now but a little shorter in the front and an inch in the back might look even better. Like some other people mentioned, I adored your shorter cut from a few years back.

  12. Hi Ali
    Great ‘spur of the moment’ decision to cut your hair. It looks adorable.
    Have a fun time with your girlfriend &
    Good luck car shopping with Kevin!

  13. What a great cut as you transition into summer. It’s so fresh and stylish(hip mama). Looks great on you! I would vote to go shorter!!

  14. Your hair looks super cute! Any chance you would share a picture of what the back looks like? I am thinking of going shorter myself! Love reading your blog and watching your family grow!!

  15. I love your hair!!! I cut all my hair off a month ago and love love love my short hair. Go shorter. You can always grow it again. I know I will not have my hair long again.

  16. I love your hair short! It looks great, but maybe just a little shorter. Mine is about your length now, and I’m debating going a little shorter too. It’s so much easier to style…. Especially running after our 2 yr old daughter.

  17. Love the chop! I’m planning the same thing now that summer’s here. I’m actually thinking I’m doing to dye the bottom half of my hair light pink (just can’t resist this trend) and then chop my hair off once I’m over the color. Decisions, decisions!

  18. Wow!!! Your hair looks amazing short!!! I did the same thing it was such a change and every time I go I get shorter and shorter and love it! Looks great Ali!

  19. Hi Ali! You look beautiful! You just inspired me to do the same! I’ve been debating for months about chopping off my hair! My little Giselle is turning one next month, I enjoy reading all your posts about fashion and motherhood πŸ™‚

  20. YES! Cut it shorter! It is sassier and more spunky when shorter. It’s so nice to get out of the long hair and stop looking the same as every body else. Most women have long hair, nothing wrong with that, just fun to change!

  21. Hi Ali! Your last chop inspired me to get mine cut. You always look stunning and you can definitely rock short hair. Wasn’t it shorter the first time you cut it? I say go for the extra inch, especially since the thought crossed your mind. Hair grows fast!

  22. Can you add a few shots of the back? I’d love to see the angled part. I have a similar cut and am always looking to make the back shorter. Makes it much flintier with more movement in the back (I think). Love it regardless on you! I love the current shorter length. It’s the best of both – longer and shortish!

  23. Love it so cute πŸ™‚ littl short would be cute πŸ™‚ love your blog read it is my five minute of mommy time when my little guy naps πŸ™‚

  24. Ali,

    I’m a lil embarrassed to ask, but I have been struggling with wearing off the shoulder stuff because I just don’t know what bra to wear.

    Do you have any suggestions? And I love your hair, I think it looks great!

    Thank you!

  25. Do you mind sharing what size dress you are wearing? The sizing on the website seems a little strange. Your haircut is super cute!

  26. Love Love Love your hair! Super cute!
    I do think you could go a little shorter. If you don’t like it, it will always grow back.

    I just love your blog. Thank you for all your fabulous fashion, mommy and life advice πŸ™‚

  27. Ali I really like your blog but please oh please, get someone to check your grammar and spelling. I realize we all have our strong points. Even if it’s not yours, I’m sure you can get help with it. Especially for someone who gets paid to write a blog!

      1. You may not but some people do! My comment was not rude or anything. I was being constructive so Ali can deliver an intelligent sounding blog ☺️

  28. I think your new cut is super cute and you look fabulous! I’d keep it that length for a wk. or two to see how you like managing it. Being the mom of a little one, I imagine you’ll still want to pull it up and it back to get it off your face and if it’s too short, you won’t be able to do that. For mos. and mos., with your long hair, you so often have it in a ponytail or pulled back up and clipped. Sooo, that tells me that even though you like the flirty, sassy look, it doesn’t work with the way you like to live, perhaps?

  29. You make me want to cut my hair too! I’ve been debating about getting my “mom” cut. It would certainly make mornings easier! Looks great!!

  30. I love the length!! It’s is absolutely adorable! You make “momming” look great! ? I just cut 6″ off the back of mine and did an angled bob as well, but I’ve only straightened it… I need to try a few loose waves with the flat iron! And, your dress & jewelry are on point!

  31. Love your hair! I was considering doing this myself for the summer. I just can’t figure out how to style it like you do-it’s super cute! I wish you’d do a hair tutorial πŸ™‚

  32. Mom of two littles and I did that same cut 6 months ago and keeping it. I love and with mine I did two tones hair, naturally almost black bottom with blorange on top. It’s fun to have both colors showing in back ?I did a dramatic angle too.

  33. You are too adorable!! Love the cut and love that dress!! May I ask what size you are wearing?

  34. The length your hair is right now is very cute, but I’m sure you could pull off another inch if you decided to cut it.

    BTW, the odette sandals are already sold out in my size and I’ve been on the waitlist for awhile now. They are so cute & I hope they replenish the sizes soon!! I’d love to buy a pair before I go to Europe this summer!

  35. Love the cut. I think it’s a great length but if you feel like you need to go shorter do it. My thinking is that it always grows back! I chopped mine around the same time after each of my daughters were born. I think it’s like this thing when they get to that grabby stage or something hahah. Could you fill us in on how you style your hair. It’s cute

  36. Ah! Now I want to chop my hair off. I think you could go a bit shorter. You look good with short hair.

  37. I’d cut a little more! Like an inch or so.. that way when it grows out it will be that length, instead of growing out from there and just being a little “blah” and “in between” lengths… speaking from experience! In the fall I did that length and I felt it was looked blah when it started growing out, so in March I went a bit shorter (loved it!) and now that it’s growing out i still think it’s cute! πŸ™‚

  38. Hi Ali, I follow your blogs and love all your links to great Nordstrom items. I find myself buying a lot of them and some I already have before I read your blog πŸ™‚ The style this season is off the shoulder shirts. I’m heading out of the country next week to a country where it’s not as popular to wear more “revealing” tops. Any tops that you recommend that cover the shoulders? OR anyone else reading this? (business casual) I’m also heading to France after this other trip but I find it much easier to dress there! Thank you!

  39. Love your cut but like the blonde better than the platinum. Beautiful on both inside and out!

  40. Hi Ali,
    I love your blog posts so much! Thank you for being such a positive light in this world.
    Just wondering if you could use an assistant to read through your posts before publishing them? πŸ™‚ I sometimes notice spelling or grammatical errors here and there (ex: your title should say “a sharp” instead of “an sharp”), and I’d be happy to help you out with editing. I know you’re a busy Mama!! Let me know. πŸ™‚

  41. When it comes to your hair, definitely do what YOU WANT to do with it regardless of what anyone suggests πŸ™‚ You have to live with your hair, not anyone else. I say this because I have super thick hair and while I love to grow it out, there does come a point SOMETIMES where I want to cut it. Some people are like NOOOOOO but they don’t have to wash it, comb it, and maintain it like I do LOL. I love my hair but sometimes I just have to do what is best for me and remember that whatever it looks like, it’s still beautiful πŸ™‚ With that said, your hair is SUPER CUTE at this length! Love the outfit and accessory ideas too!!!!

  42. Definitely cut more!!! I did this last summer and had it re cut three times (don’t worry, my sister is my stylist) before I finally felt I had the right short haircut that would last longer than two weeks before feeling grown out. I never loved my hair more than that thirst haircut so I say go for it!! It’s about to be summer and you will love having short easy to style hair when the heat hits. Love your blog!!

  43. Hair looks amazing! Love the edgy boho vibe. I say feel it out for a few weeks…play around with styles and if you think you need to take a little bit off then you can but at least you gave it a few weeks to get used to it!

  44. LOVE the cut! Exactly as it is! So cute. Can you post pics of it straight!? Been thinking of doing this cut for awhile, but I can never find pics of it straight and I don’t always have time to style it!

  45. Hi Ali – Do you happen to have any picture of the back of your hair? Thinking about chopping mine πŸ™‚

  46. Hi Ali! Just wanted to let you know that I purchased this dress and I LOVE IT. It is very flattering & a “3-season dress” here in North Carolina. I intend to style it with sandals in the summer and booties in the fall/spring. Your recommendations are always fabulous. Thanks again!

  47. Your hair is super cute. Can you please write a post about how you style it like get the waves to look amazing all of the time. ( I realize your stylist may do you hair but that doesn’t matter) . Your hair looks great in your posts and in your insta stories. Thanks!

  48. I love the dress on you and your new haircut. By chance what is your natural hair color? I like your blonde color and root color.

  49. Hey Ali! I’ve been wanting to order from this site for a while but I know their sizes run differently. What size did you order in that dress? Love it!

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