Early Mother’s Day – Best Husband EVER!

You guys! I have to take a moment to gush about my husband! He knew that I had a very busy past couple weeks and haven’t really had any time for myself. So yesterday when I got home from Entertainment Tonight around 3:30pm (I got to co-host again yesterday. So fun!), he surprised me with a early Mother’s Day gift bag! First, it’s pretty much the sweetest thing ever for him to do this considering the fact that Mother’s Day is still a couple of weeks away. And secondly, he told me that he read my Mother’s Day gift guide blog post to get the gift ideas! So not only is he super sweet for doing this but he went above and beyond by supporting me and reading my blog post to find out what I really wanted! Gosh, I just love him. Read the post I’m referring to HERE.

Anyway, one of the reasons he did this is because we are going to be traveling to Miami on Mother’s Day weekend and he thought I should have a surprise little Mother’s Day at home. I knew he was going to do something extra special for Mother’s Day this year since every year since we got our dog Owen he has made me breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. Now that it’s my actual first Mother’s Day as a mommy to a human baby he is totally spoiling me! Over 2 weeks early!

As soon as I walked in the door from work yesterday he handed me a pair of PJs and told me to put them on and get comfy in bed so I could relax! So freaking sweet right?! He did a good job because the PJs are super cute! I’m wearing a size small (he thinks I’m skinnier than I actually am. Bless his heart. Ha!) and they actually fit but I have a feeling after I wash them I’m going to wish he got me a medium (my normal size). But they’re so cute! So I’ll just hang them to dry so they don’t shrink.

Then in the gift bag was a really special pillow that he said was from Molly and Owen. The pillow says “To the world you are a mother but to our family you are the world!” I teared up when I read it. And then of course smothered little Molly and Owen with kisses! Kevin got a few too! And I think I told you guys this before but Kevin and I collect coffee mugs. So we’re always getting them to each other. Plus a cute coffee mug was on my Mother’s Day gift list! So he gave me this super cute mom fuel mug. But since it was 4 PM when I got home from work and didn’t want any coffee he decided to give me tea! He knows how much I love tea and also got me a tea tasting sampler kit. So I had a nice tea waiting for me next to the bed. Good thing I drank most of it before the picture below. Molly would have spilled it everywhere! Ha!

Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I feel so incredibly lucky to have this man in my life! He not only loves me but he appreciates and respects everything I do for our family. And he definitely showed me that yesterday! Anyway, just wanted to gush over what he did and share it with all of you! He deserves to be recognized for everything he does for ME and our family! I hope you all have (or find!) someone in your life as wonderful as Kevin!




46 Thoughts

46 thoughts on “Early Mother’s Day – Best Husband EVER!

  1. Okay Molly is seriously so photogenic! In all your pictures she is perfectly grinning for the camera! I love it! You got a future model on you hands!

    1. Thank you Kim! xoxo (If you’re a momma – to a fur baby or human baby – Happy Mother’s Day to you too!)

  2. Awww Jessica needs a hug, and maybe some serious therapy. Yikes, who shames an innocent child!? Ugh I’m so sad that you and Jillian are subjected to scrutiny and criticism sometimes, but more over when people are just cruel and ignorant- it’s even worse! Anyways rant over. You’re mom goals and Molly is just a dolls. Sending love and light

  3. So sweet! Molly is the cutest, happy early Mother’s Day!

    Ps- I read your blog about sleep training and have started with Weesleep! We have a 10 month old son and like Molly he has barely slept thus far. I hope we have the same results you did!! Thanks for the recommendation ?

    1. Hi I have a 5 month old and I also have trouble with getting her to sleep. I am considering trying WeSleep. How is it going so far for you? I would really like to know. Thanks.

  4. I asked for a gym bag for Mother’s Day this year, ha! We have a new gym at my work and pre-baby I used to work out at home so I haven’t used a gym bag in years. Aaaand our 5 year anniversary is the week after Mother’s Day. Hubby is gifting me some major bling so I felt guilty even asking for anything for Mother’s Day.

    Happy Early Mother’s Day!

  5. So cute! I am showing that pillow to my husband! It made me smile and get teary eyed at the same time!

    Is Molly crawling yet?

  6. So stinking cute Ali!!!! What a great little family you have ? Also make sure you update your website as your bio at the bottom still says Kevin is your fiancé ?

  7. Happy Early Mother’s Day! The picture of Molly by herself is sooo cute. She looks just like her Daddy in that one! Loved you on ET!!

  8. Happy Early First Mother’s Day Ali! That was super sweet of your husband! He gets extra brownie points for thinking so far ahead. I love all the pictures!

  9. Absolutely adorable!! I listen to 104.3 everyday, and it’s so cute that Kevin gushes over you all the time. You 2 are the cutest couple, and Molly and Owen are adorable. Happy Mothers Day

  10. So sweet & that Molly of yours is adorable! I just want to scoop her up. Thanks for all the Mother’s Day ideas! I am always clueless what to get for my mom, godmother, etc.

  11. Dear post, Ali and such precious pics of you and Molly and Owen! Kevin appears to be a wonderful husband and father and I am so thrilled that you are so happy with your life! Huge kudos to him for his sweet thoughtfulness!??

  12. Kind and thoughtful men are hard to find. You and Kevin make a great team. I am very lucky as well (24 years of marriage this July). Love all the photos! Molly is just precious and LOVE the diaper baby belly (just to be clear…when a baby’s tummy rolls over the diaper).

    You did such a great job on ET and Home and Family! Someone needs to hire you full time for hosting. You are a natural!

  13. What a sweet Mother’s Day surprise ❤️ I love all the baby product recommendation and advise ! My sweet girl is 7 months so is great reading the similarities. I saw on your insta story the other day that you received a lovie/blanket and I thought it was so cute! Do you mind sharing the details ? Thank you so much and happy first Mother’s Day ❤️

  14. Hey Ali, love your blog and especially the one on sleep training, I’m currently sleep training my 6 month twin girls, and it has been by far the hardest part of parenting. We are starting to see progress, the last few nights they have slept through the night, however last night and today I have seen a major set back where they were up for an hour at 2am crying, and refuse to go down for their morning nap. It’s almost like we’ve started from scratch! Have you had a set back with Molly since sleep training and how did you deal??

  15. What a genuinely beautiful man you have Ali! You really have hit the jackpot as has Molly to have him as her daddy! Happy 1st Mother’s Day to you for next weekend – hope you have the most perfect day!

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