If you read my bog regularly then you know that I’m a HUGE fan of Rails flannels. Just search the term “rails flannel” o my site and a bunch of posts will pop up. They are by far the best fit and quality flannel I have ever owned. One statement that rings so true to me is that all flannels are NOT created equal. I have spent SO much money on cheap flannels that cost $20-$50 and I’m always disappointed with the fit. Rails are a little more expensive but worth every penny! I promise! Every girl should save to own one of these shirts. And the good news is that Rails flannels are part of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Woot woot! In a bunch of different colors. When I checked the Nordstrom site this morning they had a bunch of these in stock, now just a few hours later there aren’t many left! But they keep restocking so keep checking back to get the size and color you want! But don’t wait too long to get your second choice color because everything will sellout FAST!
My hat is also part of the sale but it is sold out in this color. (These sale items are going so fast!) They have it in black though – which would look super cute with this look I posted about last week with a $20 top. They might restock this one too so check back if your heart is set on the tan color. It’s a steal at under $30.
And I had to share my diaper bag in this post because it’s also part of the sale! I love my Jujubee diaper bag! It’s super cute and has a ton of pockets/compartments for everything I need in my diaper bag! And do you see the matching pacifier holder on the side? Too cute! Details on my necklace below!
So sad… I don’t see the color you have on!!
Ali- I almost bought that Rails shirt today! Great color! I did pick up this Sole Society bag for fall (not part of the sale but I couldn’t resist!)
I love this brand and my summer bag is also Sole Society! It’s this bag in mint:
Finally I DID get something from the sale – this adorbable dress:
I’m feeling fall!
Congrats on your beautiful Molly! My one-year old is Molly 🙂
Just curious about the size you’re wearing? My baby is due on Tuesday and I have NO clue about my post baby size. I was about the same size as you when we were both pre baby so I’m assuming (fingers crossed) I’ll be close to your current size 🙂
Congrats on your beautiful daughter. There are ups and downs being a new parent. My husband was a huge help too like yours! I couldn’t have done it without him. There were days when I was in tears (my first wasn’t a good sleeper). But I agree with you….focus on the positive and enjoy your precious baby. ❤️?
Hi Ali! Is your diaper bag the Ju Ju Be BFF bag? It looks like it is, but your link is to a different Ju Ju Be bag so I can’t tell for sure. Im trying to decide if the BFF is the bag I want – I hope this is what you have since you said you love it!! 🙂