Chad is a Very Scary Person

Does anyone else feel super tense after watching the Bachelorette? All the drama with Chad is honestly scary! But before I get into all of that, let’s talk about the romantic stuff first. But SUPER quickly, because let’s face it, Chad makes this season interesting! He sucks, but he makes for good TV.

First, let’s discuss her date with Chase. How awkward was the beginning of the date? Anger-gasms in yoga? I’ve done a LOT of yoga in my day and have never heard of anything like this. I think they were tricked into doing this stuff just to make them look ridiculous. But I love how Jojo just flat out said it was all super awkward recognizing that sometimes when you “go with the flow” on a date, you end up feeling like an idiot. Ha! Love her. What I think is a really good sign is that they were still super into each other after all the awkwardness. And, ya know the rubbing their genitals on each other part. That probably helped with the attraction.

Let’s skip to the James Taylor 1-on-1 date before I get to Chad. How happy did the date make you feel?!?! Seriously! I had a smile on my face the whole time I was watching it. He is just such a positive and fun guy! I really don’t think the passion and chemistry is there between them, but I just adore him. I said this in my last blog and I’ll say it again – James Taylor for Bachelor!!!

Ok – all of this Chad drama started with the group date and it’s all about Evan and Chad. I have to say that Evan could have had such a funny story given his profession, but by focusing on Chad, his comedy bit flopped in my opinion. I think it’s because he just seemed nervous. Like he knew Chad was going to flip on him. And Chad sure did flip out.

Violence is NOT okay. Ever. Watching Chad get all worked up was really scary to watch. I was genuinely concerned for the guy’s safety. Did anyone tell Jojo about how he punched a wall? I hope someone did! She needs to know these things! In Chad’s defense I will say one thing, I do feel like Evan pushed him a little when they passed each other in the stands before Chad ripped his shirt. I rewound the show just to see and it totally looks like he pushed him. So Evan isn’t totally innocent in all of this. Also, he claims his jokes about Chad were “all in good fun” but we hear him say to Alex (before they perform) that he wants to show Chad’s true colors. So it wasn’t really in good fun. He was trying to make Chad look bad. So even though I am sooo not a Chad fan, I’m not really an Evan fan at this point either.

Also, Evan giving an ultimatum wasn’t the best choice. I really thought Jojo was going to send him home for it and I wouldn’t have blamed her for it. However, we only see him give the ultimatum, we don’t see much more. Maybe he explained to her that he really didn’t feel safe with Chad around and didn’t want to put his safety in jeopardy because he’s a dad and has others to think about. But then again, if he did give Jojo that information, wouldn’t she have sent Chad home on the spot? I dunno. It’s all very confusing to me. My guess is Jojo wants to get rid of Chad but is waiting until the rose ceremony. I will be SO shocked if she doesn’t send him home on tomorrow night’s episode. Heck, I would assume that the producers would want Chad to leave not only for the safety of the guys but also for insurance purposes! If someone gets badly injured on the show, it would not be good for anyone involved.

In the end I am truly shocked and frightened by Chad. He needs to go home and soon!

I guess we will have to wait until tonight to see how it all goes down.

Until then…

xoxo Ali

P.S. I have crazy Braxton Hicks contractions all during the show so I apologies if my live tweeting suffered and if this blog isn’t as detailed as I’d like it to be! I usually get a lot of them, but they were super intense and so frequent last night during the show. I think my little girl wanted to bust out and give Chad a piece of her mind! So sassy already 😉

P.P.S. No fashion roundup this time either. The only thing I know is that Jojo was wearing a Rails flannel (I love RAILS!) at the beginning of her first date. Similar to this one.

15 Thoughts

15 thoughts on “Chad is a Very Scary Person

  1. Oh my gosh I fell in love with James on their one-on-one! I agree that they have zero chemistry, but I would love to see him as the Bachelor!! He just seems so real and approachable and ADORABLE!

  2. I totally agree with everything you said! James Taylor for Bachelor! Chad needs to go like, yesterday! Honestly, she should have sent him packing the moment he started being disrespectful to her and the other guys on the couch. He’s just so rude (+ so many other not nice words) and it’s no wonder he isn’t in a relationship.

  3. I agree with SOME stuff you said about Chad, BUT he does make some good points tho too! Either way, Evan needs to go home, too! He’s sneaky and thinks he can get away with it. Him + JoJo are a weird match anyways. I loved her date with James! So sweet and fun!

  4. I would love to see JoJo with James and as far as chemistry…..that’s the very thing that makes people pick the wrong person ALL the time! Marriage needs to be built on more than chemistry, because the truth is, it comes and goes over the years and you need a foundation built on more than the physical.

    That being said, Chad admitted taking steroids and displays all the classic signs,which means she deserves to know that and the producers should have already asked him to leave.

  5. How in the world did Chad get pass casting? Is he a paid actor? Either way, he’s worn out his welcome and is no longer entertainment for me. He’s already had too much air time. Let get back to the story with JoJo’s attempt to find love. We all know it’s not going to be with Evan or Chad.

  6. Chad has been cast as villain this season and is being bullied and provoked to manufacture drama in what otherwise would be pretty dull set of episodes. I don’t agree with how he is conducting himself, but i agree with bullying and antagonizing one person by a group even less. Please do not contribute to the bullying in the social media which Chad i am sure will have to endure for months now…

    1. It’s by Alexis. You can get it at Neiman Marcus but it’s sold out right now (credit Possessionista blog)

  7. Braxton Hicks are a littke scarey too! What a combination, Chad and Braxton Hicks! Hehe 😉 I like your post, detailed and entertaining, and in agreement with my thoughts! One thing for sure, the mix of personalities this season is very good. Jo Jo has some fine young men to choose from!

  8. Ali, my mom thought I was Braxton hicks contractions and by the time she decided to check it out, I came breech 24 minutes later!! Be careful with those things!!!!(granted, this was 36 years ago, so not sure if people have more info now ?). Can’t wait to see your little girl!! Loved you on your seasons and love you now!

  9. First the date with Chase reminded of the date with Chris Soules and Carley Waddel, chase was a good sport.
    Second I know Chad is a douche but think Evan is a weasel. Everyone did their comedy routine about personal experiences. I thought Evan was not funny and out of line.
    Third also love James . Glad to see went beyond "friend" but don’t see the chemistry long term but hopefully long enough to boost his confidence so he can realize what a great guy he is and knows his forever love is out there.
    Not sure what I think about Alex. Any thoughts on him?

  10. I gave birth on a Tuesday in June 2 years ago but the night before the Bachelorette was on and I could barely sit. My son was super active like your daughter.

  11. Any idea where Jojo’s blue bikini that she wore on her date with Luke is from?! Also be careful with Braxton Hicks, I thought I had them and turns out I was really in labor! 🙂

  12. I’m surprised the show doesn’t have a policy for violence like The Real World did … If any contestant violently touches another patient, they are gone. Sounds like a legal nightmare to me if they don’t.

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