How AMAZING would it be if this was possible? We would all have the most FABULOUS closets ever!!! Unfortunately, I can’t make my favorite dress or handbag magically appear in your closet just like I can’t make Blake Lively’s clothes magically appear in my closet..sigh. But what I CAN do it make my clothes magically appear in your INBOX! That’s right, there’s this awesome site called Like To Know It and every time you’d “like to know” where one of my outfits is from, you can just like my Instagram fashion pics and ALL the outfit details are sent straight to your inbox. Pretty cool huh?! And of course I share it all here on But the cool thing about Like to Know it is that a ton of other fashion bloggers use it to share their outfit details, so you can get it ALL sent to your inbox, not just my stuff 😉 Hope you guys love Like to Know It as much as I do!
And you can also see all my favorite fashion picks below (just click on the pic to find out where to get the items)
BTW, follow me on Instagram HERE!
I’d rather you just tag where it is from on the instagram pic. Would be WAY easier. 🙂