Love Doves

You guys sent me a bunch of tweets asking where I got the sweater I wore on E News weekend this past weekend. So here it is!!! It’s both cute an cozy 🙂 Pair it with Chucks and you’re ready to go!

Click on the picture of me wearing it below and get it for your closet too!

4 Thoughts

4 thoughts on “Love Doves

  1. You were so likable on The Bachelor and Bachelorette but now you seem so incredibly self-absorbed. I don’t think Kim Kardashian even takes as many photos of herself OR talks about herself this much. Clearly you think you are hot now, so congratulations on that. But you were much more beautiful when you were down to earth.

  2. Ali, you are sooo cute and adorable! I love this site. Numerous times I have wondered where to get such outfits and such… Love the fact you are sharing! Stay beautiful inside and out!!

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